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Everything posted by AdamK

  1. Is your CPU usage very high when this happens? Is there a lot of disk I/O? Also, please take a look at gui.update_rate in the advanced settings. The default is 1000 (milliseconds). Try setting it lower, and see if that changes the behaviour. P.S. About the 64-bit build: We haven't had a lot of time to work on 64-bit porting bugs yet, so consider it pre-alpha. "Experimental" would be a better label.
  2. Okay, that is hilarious It's likely we will fix this in the next one or two revisons. Thanks!
  3. Did you set the password in menu [options | preferences | remote (formerly "web")] ?
  4. That column is true if the file is streamable and we have the video/audio header. utorrent can't (yet) parse all audio/video file metadata.
  5. Now that's a good bug report.
  6. Hi, Can you repeat your tests for 24710 & 25043 without Nod32 running? If there is still a large difference, it sounds like we'll need to look into it. Thanks!
  7. This bug is now fixed in svn. However, it's going to take us a little while before another 64-bit build, because there are at least 2 crashes that can trigger very early during the run. Hold tight.
  8. AbramsM1: We're still working on this problem. We'll let you know as soon as we have it figured out. We just received some promising clues from other users.
  9. A554551N4710N: Do you have any more details on the conditions this happens under?
  10. Hey Nook, Glad to hear you are enjoying uT 2.2. Queuing by label is a neat idea. Could you add it to our list of feature ideas from users? http://utorrentideas.uservoice.com/forums/47263-torrent-for-windows Thanks, Adam
  11. Hi moogly, If I understand the underlying cause of that issue correctly, this will help those cases. Note that the file operation itself may still take a long time, but the UI will remain responsive. Please let us know what you see once the next 3.0 becomes available.
  12. BTW, I put up an explanation of uT svn versions here: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=93148
  13. iycgtptyarvg, Zarggg, tanstaafl, mkk: I can confirm that uT was doing something, shall we say ... inefficient when deleting files. This has been addressed in builds after r24182, *in the 3.0 branch only* The disk code has been improved greatly between the 2.2 and 3.0 series, and backporting this feature won't be trivial. Adam [Edited to say "in builds after"]
  14. Hi Frantic! As one of the uTorrent developers, I'm very interested in hearing about all the new and elegant ways of monetizing applications. Please let us know about them when you get a chance, and thanks for using uTorrent!
  15. The problem he is referring to is utorrent checking the state of the torrent files on startup. For people with torrents that have a lot of files, this can be time-consuming. This issue was introduced in r21575, when we fixed the problem people were having with ut adding ".!ut" to the end of completed torrents. At program start, we check the "started" state. In the case that this torrent is not started, we added a call to verify the have list of the torrent files, to set the completed flags on the file entry objects for that torrent. It was be tempting to use the "completed on" time as a hint whether to do the verify or not, but we didn't do it that way for reasons of how the !ut extension code works. We added a fix to mitigate this problem in r23344, by eliminating the disk checks when stopped torrents are added from the resume list on startup. This change also avoids an extra file check if the suffix is already correctly set. So, no-one should see this problem unless they have *active* torrents with many files. btw, we need to overhaul the .!ut extension code, but we've got many higher priority tasks at the moment. Adam
  16. sneakrnet: Thanks for the report. We're very interested in performance. Also, thanks for the version numbers.
  17. zarggg: Thanks - we've taken care of that.
  18. rafi: This build is just for diagnosis. We'll have a real fix soon.
  19. Hi everyone, If you've had the "slow startup" problem, please download this utorrent version: http://public.bittorrent.com/public/utorrent-23123-slow-startup-fix.exe Instructions: * Before installing / using this version, turn off the option "Append .!ut to incomplete files. * Run this version, and see if ut starts up faster. Thanks, Adam
  20. zzgabor: We have someone working on the "slow startup with many torrents" issue. We should see that work shortly.
  21. This is now the main release version.
  22. osmosis: I'll show your suggestion to our skins department.
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