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Everything posted by Psi

  1. Download and Upload speed is not updating, not in the torrent column, not in the status bar not in peers tab. It looks like it can freeze at arbitrary point of time. Sometimes it freezes for a few seconds, unfreezes and freezes again. Sometimes for minutes. This doesn't affect downloading speed. I'm using Windows XP 32 bit.
  2. diskio.no_zero still doesn't work since 2.0.4! On file write it tries to write zeros to each byte! Imagine downloading a 20 GB file, you start downloading till you cache fills, then it utorrent starts writing the whole file with zeros, overloading HDD and freezing download. I could take a good few munutes, depending on an HDD you are using. It was reported multiple times about this issue. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=89780 http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=91348 Please fix it. I'm downgrading again to the 2.0.4, where diskio.no_zero flag works exactly as it should.
  3. Installed uMap app, tried to uninstall it. When I press confirmation to uninstall, uTorrent crashes with the message: "uTorrent has crashed. Unable to generate crash dump." Even after uTorrent restart I can't uninstall app.
  4. Seems like diskio.no_zero doesn't work.
  5. I think new uTorrent icon is ugly. There was no need to change it.
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