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Posts posted by shadek

  1. shadek reporting in. i am away a lot, and my 1 gb connection home really is needed to be taken care of. i live here aprox. 4 days a week only. so that's 3 days where i cant do anything with my connection. that's how bad i need it. furthermore, im quite active in the µtorrent-community, and im always on the irc channel in case i'd notice a bug.

  2. Nice work with the automatic read_cache-feature.

    When I click "search for updates" for the client version and when click "download translation", no new version or language translation can be found, or it doesn't say anything. Wouldn't it make a few things clear if the client tells me no new updates are available?

  3. A lot of new requests have emerged lately. Most of them deal with the statistics part. Many people want more things to be listed (total ratio etc). They also want a "reset to default" button instead of deleting the file which includes both statistics and settings. This shouldn't be too hard too implement before µTorrent 1.5. What do you think Firon? Are these ideas worthy enough to forward to Ludde?

  4. This is ridiculous. I got 25 hashfails (103.9 MB) when downloading a 4.45 GB torrent. This has never happened before. That's 2.33% wasted data. That is not acceptable. With beta 425, I had less than 0.1% wasted data each torrent.

    P.S. Each piece is 4 MB.

    I'm redownloading a similar torrent now. With 1.1 GB downloaded, only 1 hashfail of 4 MB. Looks better now. Must've been errors due to bad peers in the last torrent.

  5. This is ridiculous. I got 25 hashfails (103.9 MB) when downloading a 4.45 GB torrent. This has never happened before. That's 2.33% wasted data. That is not acceptable. With beta 425, I had less than 0.1% wasted data each torrent.

    P.S. Each piece is 4 MB.

  6. It would be good if the rare- file- priorize can be turned on for single torrents as requested before.

    But also an automatic detection wich of the modes should be used.

    So the automatic is for default and can change to on and off.

    I dont think it should be too hard to implement the automatic detection

    Or am I wrong?

    An automatic system would be cool.

  7. Question to Martin Levac :

    Are you saying that "always_prioritize_rare" will not decrease speeds in normal, healthy swarms?

    And thus should be on by default for everyone ?

    I have experienced the reversed effect; speeds getting lower than normal. I really believe this option should be used when there are a ratio of less than 1:20 (seeds:peers).

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