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  1. @tanstaafl An alternative would be to activate the 'tracker status' column in the torrents list and check that column for 'working' or the 'failure: torrent not registered' error but it's still more complicated than before and less easy to spot a problem. You can immediately spot a red icon in a list of 500 torrents but it will take a while to go through the tracker status column for all of those 500 torrents. I agree with you, it was a completely unnecessary change and it only needlessly complicates things... for the more experienced users, at least.
  2. Perhaps not, but it was mentioned in the changelog. And the manual likely just hasn't been updated to reflect the change yet. Ok, thanks for the answer. I guess it's finally the time to switch to Deluge.
  3. Yes, it's logical that all torrents will still have connected peers soon after they were deleted from the tracker and the client receives the error. Unless you manually check a few hundred torrents' tracker tab for the unregistered torrent message and manually stop the torrent and restart it so you can see the red upload arrow (<-which by the way means seeding but with tracker error, according to uTorrent's help). Or closing and restarting uTorrent. That isn't a very practical way to find out which torrents were deleted or have errors reported by the tracker. It wasn't like that before 2.2.1. Torrents used to turn red the moment the tracker sent an error. So I assumed it was a bug. It's kind of a strange behavior and I think there should at least be an option to revert to the old way. utorrent help says blue up arrow means seeding without any issue. Red up arrow means seeding but with a tracker error (with or without peers connected, as in all pre 2.2.1 uT versions). So how is it normal that the blue upload arrow is shown when the actual status is "seeding but with tracker error" (<- represented by red upload icon, according to the manual)?
  4. Found a bug. Torrents that were deleted from a tracker still maintain a green status icon indefinitely although under the tracker tab the status is: "Failure: Torrent not registered with this tracker". No matter how many times I manually update or it tries to update automatically it stays green. Only by stopping and restarting the torrent, the icon will turn red as it should have done in the instant the first "Failure: Torrent not registered" was received.
  5. I updated about 2 weeks ago to the latest build which was 23774. But now the download link gives an older build, 23703. Is there any reason for that, something wrong with build 23774 and was it removed? Should I downgrade to 23703 or it's just something wrong with the download link?
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