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OK missing in Torrent Box


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Whenever I clicked on a torrent to download utorrent would open and a window would open on top of utorrent with the info on the torrent I was about to download at the bottom of the box was a button that said ok when you clicked ok the torrent entered utorrent and started downloading. Now for some reason the same process happens except the ok button is missing from the bottom of the window and the torrent doesnt go to utorrent. I cant figure a way to start the torrent without the ok button. Did something change in the way you enter torrents into utorrent?

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Tried that already window will not get bigger only go smaller every thing else in the window is showing up positioned correctly just the ok button is missing. Nevermind I changed the resolution to get it to work then I will change it back not sure why this happened but I guess I will have to do this when ever I use utorrent. Thanks I appreciate the help. Happy New Year

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