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Could this work??


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I was thinking about how could I solve the problem with big memory space the torrents are taking (about 25 GB..yeah i know its a lot) and I thought of this - what if I burned the torrents with all the files needed on a dics, erase from PC the ones I dont want now to download to keep them like this until I have enough memory for them. Then Id just upload them from disc on PC and continue downloading.

Is something like this possible?

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From your post i'm deducing diskspace is your problem, not memory. :) As for your question, yes it's possible, provided that the torrent hasn't died when you finally have the space to continue your download. Also the files you burn to a cd or dvd will get a "read only" flag. You will have to remove that for each partial file after you've copied them back to your harddrive (by right clicking a file, selecting properties and unchecking the read only box). This will be a lot of work if you have a lot of files. :)

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