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OptOnline and LinkSys WRT54G Router - did I do everything right?


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OptOnline is my ISP.

I use latest uTorrent 1.6.

I have LinkSys WRT54G Router and I updated it to DD-WRT 23 SP1. I do not need any scripts for that, do I?

I also used the tweak guide for speed adjustments (upload/download/encryption).

However, my speeds are 0.1-0.5Kbytes/sec! Whats up with that?

Did I miss something? Also, it takes AGES to get any downloads even started...

I enabled Encyrption btw.

DMZ is enabled and UPnP is disabled in uTorrent.


Using DMZ can be very dangerous with internet worms looking for open ports. Why not port-forward instead?

OptOnline may have throttled your connection. Try reading about other posts on the subject using search.


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