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Yellow triangle most of the time


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I've read all your sticky topics. I have the yellow triangle showing most of the time, (but the green ball sometimes).

I am able to download - in speeds varying from .5 to 60 kb/s.

I'm using utorrent 1.6

I use Win XP SP1 OS

I have the Windows firewall UN-checked

I have and use Zone Alarm Pro 6.0.631.003 firewall and anti-spyware

and Kaspersky AV 5.0.391 (anti-virus)

Nothing changes about my connection issues in utorrent when I disable both of my ZA and my Kaspersky.

I have regular (meaning not premium speed) DSL.

DSL speed test as follows:

Your download speed : 1226 kbps or 153.3 KB/sec.

That is 47.5% worse than an average user on [my isp]

Your upload speed : 302 kbps or 37.7 KB/sec.

That is 33.4% worse than an average user on [my isp]

In utorrent "Preferences" I have:

"Randomize port each time utorrent starts" checked.

"Enable upnp port mapping" checked

and "Add utorrent to Windows Firewall..." unchecked

Using the utorrrent speed guide window - "Test if port is forwarded properly" I always get:

Error! Port 54351 does not appear to be open.

As I said, even after I've closed utorrent, my ZoneAlarm, and my Kaspersky, and then have re-opened utorrent w/out my firewall and av, I still get this result. (port doesn't appear to be open).

In "Logger" tab, I get and have always gotten the same:

as right now -

[00:54:28] Unable to map UPnP Port.

[01:04:54] Unable to map UPnP Port.

I don't know what else or how to tweak to get the green ball going.



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I have a problem in that I don't have to CD or install files for my ZA anymore.

I can get version Zone Alarm Pro 6.5.722.000, but I'm reading decidedly mixed reviews for it.

Before I uninstall - do you know:

a) If system restore will restore my zone alarm if need be?

B) Do you have a recommendation for a firewall - brand and version no.?

Thanks much.


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I'm not tech-savvy, so forgive the ignorance -- but --

I have one PC, live alone, have it connected to the net via a DSL modem hooked up to my phone line.

I thought routers were to connect multiple computers to a single internet connection?

How would I use a router instead of a firewall?

It might be a router 101 question, but as I said, I don't know. Wikipedia article on routers just confused me a few mins. ago.


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All you need is:


Phone line -> DSL modem -> Router's WAN port


Router's LAN port -> Computer

A router isn't solely for sharing a single internet connection, but they do serve that purpose. A router's NAT function prevents unforwarded incoming connections from reaching your computer in the first place.

The analogy that I made in another thread is as follows:

A software firewall is like opening the door for a murderer and then trying to shove him back out.

A hardware firewall is like keeping the door closed.

Guess which one is safer.

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