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Meaning of colors in torrent list status ...


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I know that this should be plain as my nose ... and I'm sure that I have found it before but I just can't find where the meanings of the various colors and labels of the 'status' column in my torrent list are explained.

I have had a problem where I lost ALL my torrents from uTorrent (files are still there and torrents are still there) from 3.5.5.  I am now reloading them but have some that after checking show up as light green 'seeding', others as red 'seeding', and so on ...

Would someone take pity on a poor 70+ yo and point me to where I can find this information so that I can see what, if anything, I can do about it?


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7 hours ago, flashfletch100 said:

I am now reloading them but have some that after checking show up as light green 'seeding', others as red 'seeding', and so on ...

Press F1 - uTorrent User Manual -> Appendix A: The uTorrent Interface -> Main Window -> Torrent Jobs List


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Hmmm ...

All I get when I press F1 is :

  (Sorry the image is so poor but I had to reduce it to get under the 3Kb limit - now that I'm editing the post the image won't show at all!??)

I save it and then try to open it and get the same response with multiple versions ...  grrr!

But thanks for the listing. Interestingly, my version of utorrent simply shows words in the cell with a background color.

Edited by flashfletch100
Trying to give better info
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2 hours ago, flashfletch100 said:

I'm using a version created by raffi (?) some time ago ... maybe that explains the lack of functional F1??

may be., you can download helpfile from http://download.utorrent.com/help/utorrent-help.zip and after this instruction use it from utorrent.


1. Extract utorrent.chm from the zip file into your settings directory (either local, with the exe, or at %appdata%/utorrent)

2. Now, for example, for version 3.2.1 Rename the file to utorrent-<version#>-<build#>.chm [example: utorrent-321-28086.chm]

Note: starting from v 3.4 (build 30553) the help file name changed to utorrent-<version#>.chm [example: utorrent-340.chm]


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