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1.6 freezing with Comcast connection


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I don't do a lot of downloading but when I do I always use utorrent. I've been having problems lately with my internet connection freezing while downloading and uploading. I ran the speed test and then had utorrent configure based on the results. I have also patched tcpip. I keep lowering my settings and just when I think things are going fine I experience another lock up. The only way to solve the problem is to reboot my computer or cable modem.

Anybody else having issues with Comcast?

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I'm using ComCast with µTorrent v1.6 without noticeable problems...I get occassional disconnections, but this is unrelated and OFTEN when µTorrent isn't even running (since last reboot or even DAY!)

Reset all the advanced settings in µTorrent to default and see if that helps.

Also try disabling UPnP and DHT in µTorrent.

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