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utorrent not using full connection???


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im using utorrent 1.6, untill recently i cant get downloads higher than 100KB/s

i use to have problems where i only get 10KB/s and lower, but i fixed that by fowarding my ports in my homeportal and my firewall. now im only gettin speeds between 20-100KB/s average. and my upload speed goes from 30-50KB/s. my internet connection downstream is 3.0mbps and upload is 512kbps. my upload speed seems to be running fine, but my download speed is not using its full potential! and i have checked to see the speeds of the torrents, im not connection to all my peers, it tells me i have 27(34)seeders 43(122), but im not downloadin from most of them..

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uh i think my connection is 3.0mbps man(max downsteam 3008kbps) and my upload is 512kbps.

plus i tried downloadin that office thing ultima showed to me, and the download was fast! i was downloading 250-310KB/s a second, but downloading other torrents....ugh so low, so now its confusing me, plus i go for the good torrents! with a buncha seeders and leechers! WHY?!?!

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You're choosing the settings µTorrent uses in Speed Guide (CTRL+G) based on your UPLOAD speed...which is 512 kilobits/sec supposedly.

That's why you're supposed to choose the xx/512k one...or "worse".

By trying to use the xx/2 mbit one, you're overloading your line 4x over...so for roughly every 4 packets µTorrent tries to send out, only 1 is likely to arrive at its destination! That's 75% packet loss and causes all sorts of disasterous results. That even resembles illegal/hostile hacker attacks (Denial-of-Service attacks in particular), so your ISP may call you up and ask what your computer is doing. If they do ...you might want to say it's a "virus". :P

OpenOffice downloads fast because it doesn't depend much on your upload -- you may not even have anyone to upload TO!

I can't upload faster than 42 KB/sec, so why should I expect to download faster than 100 KB/sec for more than short bursts?

...because almost everyone's connection is the same way!

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o sounds good, but seems like it will make vulnerable...

plus i dont know how to change to static...

but this confuses me, my isp privides both static and dynamic ip's. the thing is static is about 10 bux more than dynamic, so would changing my ip to static somehow increase my payments for my internet??

thx ultima and switeck!!!!! woo!

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Although it may sound like a security risk to "poke" a hole in your firewall, it is not the case. If no application is listening on the port that is opened in your firewall, any incoming connections on that port will be ignored. If an application is listening, security is up to that application. There is no known exploit for µTorrent that might break your computer's security setup, so there is no known risk in opening a port on your firewall for µTorrent.

We're talking about static IP as in static LAN IP, not static WAN IP (which most ISPs charge extra for, or don't even provide, and is what you're referring to).

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ok im changing to static! and uh i encountered something weird, or i think its weird

my DNS server is the same as my Default Gateway and my DHCP server, is this ok?

i dont think i even have an alternate DNS server, it just shows me 1. im just troubled if something might go wrong if i enter the same number into my DNS server in the internet protocol(TCP/IP) properties

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