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Column Sorting on Add/Remove


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In version, if you add a column which comes after your last visable column and then sort by that column then remove this column the column sort indicator (column shaded gray) moves to the next column on its right. This results in the sorted column highlight an empty column.

For example, on the Peers tab if you add MaxUp and sort by MaxUp then remove this column the column sort indicator then remains but offscreen.

Whereas, on the Peers tab if you add Port and sort by Port then remove this column the column sort indicator moves to Client, but does not sort by client.

The difficulty is determining what the bug is.. should the column sort indicator (column shaded gray) disappear if you remove the column currently sorting the list? Should, the indicator move to the immediate column to its right (or left if no columns exist to the right) and be sorted by this column??

My suggestion.. as the list was being sorted, when the column sorting the list is removed the indicator should move to the column on its immediate right (or left if none to the right exist) and then be sorted by that column.

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