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kb's and KB's


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I've just noticed that on the torrent view pane, peers pane and others, the speeds (up/down) are shown as kB. As most of you know 1kB is 1000B (10^3, 1000 bytes, 8000 bits) whereas 1KB, or KiB - a kibibyte, 2^10 - is 1024B. My question is was a mistake made or is this intentional and the speeds really are measured in thousands of bytes?


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I'm pretty sure that the default in measuring connection speeds is multiples of 1000 and not 1024. So 1kB would indeed by 1000 bytes.

"(...) the IEEE Standards Board decided that IEEE standards will use the conventional, internationally adopted, definitions of the SI prefixes. Mega will mean 1 000 000 (...)"


However how µtorrent uses it I dunno. Quite frankly I don't really care :)

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µTorrent uses it to refer to 1024bytes. There was a big discussion to change the notation already, but ludde decided not to. And BTW, kB and KB are the same -- people use it interchangably to refer to 1024bytes, no matter how... notationally incorrect they may be. KiB, on the other hand, has a definite meaning that is NOT interchangable.

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While megas is thousandfold in SI-system, there are allways added that suffix bytes when talking about computer related system, that's why it is megabytes instead of mega. I didn't quite get why that reasoning got changed all the sudden, kibis and mibis are so lame sounding, yet alone half of poeples doens't know what they mean etc.

My 2 cents

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