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Seed Speed when uploading only?


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Using and still can't get the seed when not uploading speed to work correctly ,got every other feature fine except this one , I set my global upload speed to max and leave it like that ,I also set my upload speed when not dloading to max as well ,then when I specify a certain speed to upload a torrent at while dloading it "will not " alter to the max speed when I finish dloading it and go to seed or "uploading only " .The feature will work if I don't set any up speeds while dloading but thats not really how its supposed to work surely. If you don't set it an upload speed while dloading then you are basically giving it 100% upload bandwidth right from the start , might be useful to those who run loads of torrents ,I just basically want to dload as fast as possible with 60-75% upload bandwidth ,then the moment I've got the torrent ,would like it to switch to 100% upload bandwidth till it reaches my 110% seed target .I've tried setting it up numerous different ways but "none " of them work ,only when I don't specify an up speed while dloading in the first place .Anybody got a different method I haven't tried yet. Best client going ,just can't get this feature to kick in properly . :)

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I set my global upload speed to max and leave it like that ,I also set my upload speed when not dloading to max as well ,then when I specify a certain speed to upload a torrent at while dloading it "will not " alter to the max speed when I finish dloading it and go to seed

If you read that part of the post I have set it to my max bandwidth ,I've also tried setting it higher than I can achieve then set the seed setting to just under my max upload speed but that still doesn't work ,no where have I left anything uncapped ,so the feature should kick in but doesn't .As i also mentioned in the above post ,the feature does kick in if I don't specify any specific torrent rates .It says speed to upload at when not downloading ,but when I'm not dloading and only seeding it remains at the dloading settings not the specified seeding only settings .

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