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Tornado says complete, utorrent says incomplete


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After some more testing its seems there is some hash checking problems with torrents that you want to download just a part of and utorrent needs to add the *.dat file.

1. i download with utorrent , it says 100% complete, i stop it and do a force hash recheck, . suddenly it says 95% completed, i do further recheck and it goes down 88% 65% 50% etc.

2. i redownload again to 100%, delete the *.dat and redownload with Tornado, and find that its really only something like 95%.

3. i then complete the download with Tornado, and made all the files READ ONLY, and go back to utorrent and recheck only to find that its NOT 100% complete???

Anyone know whats going on here??

I find that if you download ALL the files in the torrent, utorrent works fine....BUT if u download one or 2 files in a torrentm this problm happens...

Help please, coz am losing my hair.....if utorrent cant do integrity checks properly, it is useless

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I'm having the same problem, but with full torrents. the torrent will finish to 100% and seed. it says all files complete, but if i fun an sfvcheck on the files, even while utorrent says it's at 100%, there is bad checksum on 2 files. I cannot extract. It still says 100% in utorrent though. So I reload the torrent, or force re-check, and once checked it goes to 98.9 or 98.4% and redownloads, once again... like 100 or 200MB or however much it is. I've been using utorrent for awhile, so this just started with the updated version. thanks!

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that makes no sense at all....once tornado has finished the torrent it is composed into completed form, so whatever allocation is finished anyways after the torrent is downloaded .....and this is utorrent's problem, it messing with a *.dat file, and if the system doesnt allow it to write to *.dat as a security measure it stuck with bad/incomplete info even if the full file is down

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