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please help me with my issue


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I use comcast internet and I was wondering what settings I should use for the speed guide. I ran a test and the download came to 122 kbps and the upload was 38 kbps. So what should my settings be. I am trying to figure out my problem becuase earlier this morning I was downloading something at 600kb/s and then it dropped to 100. now i am downloading something at 35 and it started at 100. so I need help asap!

update: I just ran two more tests and the first one was 566 for download. then i did another test and the download was 2026 kbps and the upload was 1049 kbps. I dont get what is wrong.

update 2: I have ran three more tests. they keep getting faster and faster. the last one was at 3032 kbps for download. please help me cuase it seems whenever i try downloading something on utorrent the speed starts out good then drops on 70% of my downloads. on the other hand, some stay above 100 the whole time and go rather fast.

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Yes, that test was definitely showing megabits/sec for download and kilobits/sec for upload...dang fast too. I'm on ComCast and getting only about half that for download and 1/3 that for upload.

If the numbers are correct, you could use xx/1mbit in Speed Guide (CTRL+G).

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ok, thanks. i have an unrelated question for you switeck. I read in another topic somewhere on here that comcast reports bittorrent user's ip's to the p2p police. do you know if this is true or false? and if true is there any reason to be worried. also, is there any way they can't get your ip?

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Comcast does not report ips to the "p2p police", except almost when FORCED to by a court order/DMCA takedown notice.

There are "p2p police" monitoring companies that are gathering info about people sharing copyrighted material without permission...these groups are what get people's ips and forces the ISP they're on to cough up the name+location of the owner of that ip.

Read up about BayTSP for instance.

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So is it pretty safe downloading torrents then or is it a big risk? also, why only 1mb? I am using those settings and it still is only at 60 kBytes/s for download. What I am really concerned with is my download speed. I know it could be higher. I have had it at 650kBytes/s for a few downloads. but recently its only been somewhere between 35-100 kBytes.

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If you regularly download movies, you can EXPECT to get a Cease-and-Desist warning (or worse) within a week or 2 of doing so. Same goes for downloading whole music albums. Even popular or recent TV shows will get a notice sent out. ...at least in the USA/Canada/Australia/Japan/Taiwan/much of western Europe. Whether you can get away with just "not doing it again"...I don't know.

Some people try to block the monitoring companies using long, complex ip blocklists (ipfilter.dat in µTorrent), but those are only slightly better than nothing as some of the monitoring ips are coming from non-commercial broadband connections...like yours! Still the blocklists ARE relatively good for decreasing the worst torrent poisoning ips, such as those in the 38.100.x.x block. (I think almost all of 38.x.x.x is bad for file sharing.)

You use xx/1mbit in the Speed Guide because that's ALL the upload bandwidth you have! Setting it higher causes all kinds of weird problems due to constant overloads. It's similar to trying to run a car faster than it's designed...except less likely to destroy the computer. :P

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wow, thanks for all the info, you have been the most helpful person i have incountered on the net in a long long time. So basically your saying, dont download often, and I should be fine? so basically, just every once in awhile? also, what do you mean by worse?

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Even downloading 1 movie will likely get you a C&D email/letter. Doesn't matter if you do that often or not.

"or worse"...due to criminal penalties being applied to downloading+uploading of copyrighted material, even a 5 year jail sentence is technically possible but unlikely. Fines of up to $150,000 are also possible. (that's PER movie btw.) Once again, this is in the USA. Other places are bad, but not THAT bad! Even the settled-out-of-court file sharers that were "busted" for sharing music on Kazaa, Gnutella, and elsewhere such as BitTorrent had to pay fines typically averaging $2,000+. Many settled even if they sincerely felt they were wrongfully accused (quite possible with dynamic ips and/or insecure wireless connections) because a court battle is simply too costly.

The vast majority of file-sharing is technically illegal. (at least somewhere :P) However the parts that are legal are just enough to keep it from being banned almost everywhere. Since it's "mostly illegal" stuff, many ISPs also go to great lenths to block, throttle, and discourage file-sharing by their customers. ISPs neither want the massive bandwidth use caused by file-sharing nor want the legal hassles associated with receiving Cease and Desist letters/emails that they are (almost) required by law to pass on to the customers.

It would probably do you some good to read alot more about blocklists in general as well as risks involved.

BitTorrent does NOTHING to hide your ip, it is designed by nature for others to be able to find your ip on any given torrent you're on so they can download/upload with you. You can't really hide because even if "they" can't connect to you due to your blocklist, they still can get your ip address from the torrent tracker...which has to know your ip for you to be able to get the torrent at all!

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I have not received a C&D (or worse), though I was connected with someone when they were scanned and later received one. That was for sharing a tv show he recorded off tv with a video capture device in his computer. It's utter crap that even stuff already broadcast over the "airwaves" to the public cannot be shared by those who receive it. Even worse that if anything has copyprotection (however trivial) to protect digital content and you "break" it (even to make a legal backup copy) that you're committing a FELONY in the USA now thanks to DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998)!

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well, I don't share or download movies or t.v. or anything but music. I am probably going to just stay away from downloading stuff. My public library has a lot of c.d's i want but they are not always in and at my library you can keep c.d.'s for 3 weeks So i was just getting impatient of waiting for some of them and just started downloading them. my coworker told me about utorrent and he told me it is way safer then say limewire or winmx or something like tht. I don't know if tht is true but whatever. I just dont want to have to pay a fine or anything cause im only 19 and Im moving out soon and I dont have the spare cash to pay if I get caught.

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Even if the fine's only $2,000, it can ruin your credit rating for 10+ years.

Music albums are probably more heavily monitored than tv shows.

Private trackers are (slightly) harder for the copyright kops to monitor. The monitoring groups btw do not have full rights to spy on you, they just do it. They consider file sharing to be "public" activities and so don't qualify as private transfers between individuals on private internet connections. No wiretap order from a judge needed! And if they link the wrong person to a dynamic internet ip...too bad, it'll cost the poor sucker a fortune to prove his/her innocence!

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