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Tracker Offline When it is ONLINE, how comes?


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Hi all I hope someone can help me and all thanks in advance ;)

My problem is that uTorrent is the only BT Client I use, and recently UT has been reporting multiple trackers for one torrent as offline when they are perfectly online, before it has never done this, but the problem is fast becomeing a frequent annoyance, it goes for half an hour and then the arrow turns red and ALL the independant and individual trackers are offline for some reason?

I am guessing this is a problem on my end and not with UT, what could it be that is causing this problem?

ISP, I dont think it is my ISP because during the last month with my previous ISP I had this prob, and I thought it was the ISP, but I have now a new ISP and the problem still occures why is this?

This happens for all torrents for some reason!

I FULLY understand that sometimes trackers are really offline, but this time this is not the case, I am afraid that there is something wrong either on my end.

I have tried reinstalling UT but to no avail, please help thanks, sorry for makeing this so long.


EDIT- Once it states the tracker is offline, it never goes back to being online, until I restart my internet connection or reboot computer.

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Yes I have a firewall, it is Zone Alarm Pro, and I have been useing it longer than UT, and have never encountered problems, I have NO router, just a webSTAR Scientific-Atlanta, Inc Cable Modem, connected via Ethernet cable, and I have no idea how to find what my net.max_halfopen is how do I find out?


PS Thanks for the speedy reply ;)

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I get something similar but alot less frequent and it is the DNS lookup that seems to stop resolving names for some reason.

So if web browsing goes up the spout too it could be this.

However it can slowly creep up on you because any addresses that are already in the cache are OK (until they get flushed out). So my common places to visit are OK, then when you want to go somewhere new - no joy.

I have found that giving the IP stack a kick clears it most of the time by running the IPCONFIG /REGISTERDNS command from a command prompt. But I don't know why it happens in the first place.

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hey Sunny_Bleach , im having the same exact problem and its doing my head in i just cant work it out?? I had to reprogam my PC due to a virus but put in the exact same settings ive been using for the last year but and same settings on zone alarm but the same thing ,just wont happen for me , even tried reloading both programs but didnt work.

any help much appreciated CALAIS5.0

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Firon my net.max_halfopen is set to 8, and yes I have tried without ZA same problem,I can tell you though it is not ZA. And yes I can browse the web absolutely fine when the problem occures, and another thing when the problem occurs, strangely enough I am still exchangeing data.

EDIT My status is always green, when downloading, and also green when the problem occures ie tracker shown as offline.

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I went to the first link in your sig, and I read through, all seems to be fine with me according to the thing I read, after clicking your link.

But the problem persists, btw I might have forgotten to mention that when it says tracker offline, and the arrow goes red, my status is still green, and another thing is that I can still exchange data.

btw thank you Ultima :)

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no it doesnt, its the same, but good news is that the problem has not come back for some time now (touch wood) since I tried what Craige told me to do, which was type the following in to command prompt "IPCONFIG /REGISTERDNS" (without qoutation marks)

Thanks :)

PS what confuses me is that I have not used ZA since yesturday, and so now I don know whether it was the IPCONFIG /REGISTERDNS, or whether it was because ZA is disabled that the problem does not come back?

Anyhow thanks everyone :)

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Never tried the openoffice torrents, but I am going to in a second, my TCPIP.sys How do I find that out?


EDIT: Another thing I should mention is that my ISP is Telewest Broadband, Blueyonder (now part of virgin Media) and they dont have any limits, no FUP, no Throttling, and no monthly download limit.

EDIT 2: It happens to all trackers, some torrents finish before the problem occures.

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An update, I am now downloading that OPen Office thing, and it is downloading fine, 250 kb/s no problems, and I think it will finish before the problem kicks in.

I wass wrong the problem has not gone, what happens it downloads for an average 30-50 minutes then the trackers go offline, on all torrents, I even open new ones up and the trackers are offline again. So what do I do? Sometimes some torrents take 10 minutes.

EDIT Ok the torrent finished, it took 6 minutes and 32s exactly, and the problem did NOT occure.


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Well, just in case my situation is somehow related the problems you're experiencing...

When I turn on the computer and start utorrent, everything goes okay/all green after a while^^(mostly), but, lets say a few hours past,.. every single tracker goes "timed out" and turns bright red..

The funny part?.. It's dl/up as before. With the 70 kb/s atm it's actually better average than pevious week.

I'm using Azureus also and that's working fine.

If I restart computer it'll go to "green" again(for a time). But I can't really see the reason if it's working fine, though I'm not that familiar with inner workings of torrent clients so should I worry?

I do understand a tracker or two gets timed out. But all of them??

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