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utorrent 1.7 disconnecting me


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for some reason every time i use 1.7 and this is only when its on, it disconnects me like every 15 mins and then i try using 1.6 and that dosnt let me connect on anything but utorrent downloads everything good and no problem with utorrent it only disconnects every single other thing i have running like my IMGs and when i play games i lost connection every 15 mins and this only happens when i have uTorrent 1.7 on how can i fix this problem and what is cuasing it? plz help because i cant do nothing while uTorrent is on and i already have tried everything, enabling encrypt port is open tested and i have a 6mbps internet line with 500kb upload and i have a linksys Wireless B Router to it. it also disconnect the other computer connected to router

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my router is alright...its like 4 years old i cant afford a new one :( ....lol and i already have tried disabling DHT but this also use to happen without the router i just started using the router 3 weeks ago when i use to use it as just a single computer connected directly to cable modem it would still do this so i know its not the router its somthing els...any ideas? it does the same thing with router or without the router....

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my cable modem is a Terayon TJ715X and oh yeah this all happen when 1.6 berly came out...or hmm actly it could be when i got this modem maybe it is the cable modem...is there any way to fix it? oh and thanks for moving my topic appreciate it instead of delete it :) thanks alot

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It's the router trust us. I don't waste my time typing if i don't already know the cause. Your router can't handle the amount of connections. excessive sessions is a huge problem with these so called name brand router which in turn are really nothing but a name with cheap azz parts. You get what you paid for Bro.

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its a linksys and it cost me 120$ 4 years ago it isnt cheap just kinda old and i've had this problem before i even had my cable modem and i just tried it again with just having cable modem still disconnects me so its not the router and alot of people still use it today i seen it around still

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i dout it its gone bad its kinda new...just like what like 2 months old or 3 about i already have tried freaken everything... :\ reintalling windows using differnt computer cables cahnging port nothing works...thats why i just came to utorrent forum to get help :/ i tried reintalling windows and i still get the same problem disconnects my internet but still downloads just dosnt let me use anything els including messengers bowser games and more...can anyone help me??

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