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Weird Problem, Torrents copied to desktop, Error Message: Can't Open


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I am having a weird problem with ver. 1.6.1. ITs unlike anything Ive ever seen. Everytime I close uTorrent, say after an overnight downloading binge, or to shut my computer down, and then restart it, the torrents that are in the get an error message. Error: Can't open torrent:f:\filepath. Then I go to my saved torrents folder and drag them to the uTorrent window, and everytime, without fail, the torrent files are copied to my desktop. This gets really annoying after a while, since I have to reload any torrents that didnt get completed, then I have to delete these strange bastard copies. The thing is, I never told uTorrent to save ANYTHING to my desktop. what the heck is going on? Why is uTorrent acting so retarded?

Oh , yeah, I use windows XP, McAfee Firewall and virus thingie. subscribe to SBC/yahoo high speed 1.5M, what else do you need to know?

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