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Download 2 different torrent on the same file


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Some times happens that 2 different torrent download the same file and creates the same folder.

i don't understand if one of this torrent will erase the downloaded part of other torrent or they will download automaticaly different parts of file...

i'm talking about torrent which files are separeted in more .rar files.

i tried more times but i don't understand if it works or not...

i find this tricky:

torrent1 has files: \torrent\file.r00 i set utorrent to skip this file

\torrent\file.r01 i set utorrent to skip this file



torrent2 has files: \torrent\file.r00


\torrent\file.r02 i set utorrent to skip this file

\torrent\file.rar i set utorrent to skip this file

i found that this increase download performance...

what do you think about this? i'm wrong??


Yeah dude! ima hustla!

nowhere now here ---> http://giammin.blogspot.com/

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You have to point them to different download locations.

Pieces pretty much always overlap files. The piece that has the last few bytes of .r01 also has the first few bytes of .r02 and both torrents will download this piece. So torrent2 WILL write to .r02 even though you skipped it and torrent1 WILL write to .r01 even though you skipped is. And this could/will go wrong. This is because µtorrent always has to download a whole piece and writes it to out to the files and keeps it for seeding purposes.

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