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more speed problems upload & dwnld


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I swirched to utoorent about a month ago and have looked at most of the topics in depth but nine really explain my problem. It seems to me that when I am using a public tracker ie [tracker name removed for content](<10kb/s), the dwnld speed is much slower then when using a private tracker ie [tracker name removed for content](550kb/s) both the torrents have about an equal number of seeds and peers. (~110 seeds and 39 peers) but for some reason on the [tracker name removed for content] tracker I connect to many more ppl thani do with the [tracker name removed for content]. (50 on TL and 6 on TV). I have used some of the preferences ppl have had success w/ but none have helped. I do have upnnp enabled and am using for my router. But even turning it off didn't help much. With [tracker name removed for content] I get about 30 on most older torrents and about 70-80 on some newer/wellseeded ones. I also experience the same problem with Torrentspy. Just of note I used to get about 30 kb/s on azureus on [tracker name removed for content] and [tracker name removed for content].

Have other ppl been able to attain fast speeds on [tracker name removed for content]? Also are there any other fast sited lik TL?

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I did some testing and I am almost sure I found the reason why azurues is faster on some of these torrents. I used a torrent that could not connect to the tracker and as a result it did not really matter if it was private or not. What I found was that dht mode in azureus is MUCH better then in utorrent. Without being able to connect to the tracker in azurues I got speeds of about 25kb/s and an upload of about 20kb/s. In utorrent i barely hit 5 and for the most time was about 2-3. My upload was also alot less fluctuating between 2-6 but at most times zero.

I know it has been discussed which implementation of dht utoorrent should use, but I think this is clear proof that for whatever reason, Azureus's implementation is much better and although not official should probably used.

EDIT by silverfire: 1. Please read the rules before posting anything, and 2. Please do not double post!

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In some later release, Azureus will support Mainline (and thus µTorrent) DHT.

I did a similar test on a dead tracker, and while Azureus couldn't download anything at all, µTorrent could download the whole torrent in 60 kB/s. I would say that the speeds using DHT is dependant on which nodes you are connected to through DHT.

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