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Local Bandwidth Limit


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Simple enough: I'd like to see the option to limit local bandwidth separately from internet bandwidth.

Most peoples LAN connections are significantly faster than their internet connections, adding a separate speed limit setting for local peers would allow them to set µTorrent to get the best of both, while leaving enough of their connection free to continue using their internet for other things.

If this is something that is already planned, then great! (It just makes so much sense to me, that I can't be the first to think of it!!).

I'm also interested in thoughts on (though not requesting) the ability to define the "local" peer range - possibly with a .dat file similar to ipfilter.

Being able to define your ISP's or even your country's IP range as "local" would benefit some users whose ISP's have more bandwidth available for local traffic than international.

If it sounds like a good idea I'll make a new post to request this the proper way (or someone else can feel free to).


Moe :)

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I would like something similar - an ability to set limit (basically, upload limit is most important for me) per tracker.

Then you will be able to set:

1) a different limit for one tracker

2) and another limit for another tracker

3) and GLOBAL limit.

...instead of running multiple copies of uTorrent (which IS possible).

Or running other (bloated) clients besides uTorrent (Azureus/etc). :/

NOTE: We have a local LAN tracker here, so I want to set that to unlimited speed, but set other trackers to a certain limit.

Edit: Azureus has a LAN option like the original poster above is requesting, btw...

Not sure how it determines which IPs are local, and which not.

NOTE #2: I wanna avoid situations like 10 MB/sec upload :), then I called my ISP regarding another issue, and got a scolding - "Your upload rate is rediculous, if you don't stop this, we'll cancel your Internet account!! -- Then I ask "but why didn't you tell me" --- and they said "We were waiting to see if you would stop that yourself..", LOL. :D

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  • 1 year later...

+1 about a local LAN tracker, what about a useful tweak:

When checking against "Global maximum number of connections", if "Limit local peer bandwidth" is off, uTorrent should treat that Maximum for a new Local connection as, say, +10 (or maybe 50) to the setting number.

Local things are going almost instantly and finish quickly (they should, but now have to wait, and with 500+ seeding tasks of them, 1 to 4 would be active at most), but I can't have many global conns from outside with my ISP...

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