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Belkin router problems!!!!!!!


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Hiya All,

No one I have asked have been able to give me a difinitive answer on getting uTorrent to work "incoming connections". I have read the guide and done as it says, yet I still get told my port is not open so I have reverted back to all default settings.

Below is a some screenshots showing my details and I hope someone can assist as this is all garble to me.




uTorrent preferences


Belkin Router Settings




If you need any other info please let me know.


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... it's in the setup guide.

You stick your port (24792) into virtual server for your IP (currently on the same port on TCP for peer traffic.

Repeat on UDP for DHT traffic .

This is of course after you untick "randomize port" and whether or not you need to disable the Windows Firewall port rule (if you don't use it). This also is unnecessary if you use UPnP, in which case it should auto-detect on startup. Is this not the case? What messages do you get on uT startup about UPNP?

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Thanks for the response. I couldn't work it out, but it seems so obvious when someone who knows what they are doing points it out. I kept using which is obviously why it didn't work. All fixed now though.

As for the UPNP, I still have this set and I get no message from utorrent when it starts up so not sure what it means.

Is there anyway I can set it up so my port can be randomised?

Okay, above was my reply last night. I restarted my PC last night and went to bed and this morning when I got up it now says a firewall is blocking my connection. I have rechecked all my settings and they are exactly the same. WTF is going on with this?

I checked the windows firewall and it is set to allow uTorrent through, so I also added 2 ports (1 for TDP and 1 for UDP)

Now I am stuck again!!!!!!!!!!

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