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Issues with creating torrents


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i just tried again and got same result. heres whats happening, plz if some1 can help or give me advive here..

1, i select creat torrent,

2, in popup i add file from hd in select source box,

3, in tracker, i add tracker addy,

4, i click Create and start sharing,

now the progress bar finishes but the popup box just hangs here. in the bottom right hand corner i still see the Cancel option, but am expecting this to change to Finish or something. this is as far as i get, i cannot do anything else except press Cancel option.

the torrent dosent open into client either at any stage.

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Perhaps "cancel" could be changed to "Close" or "Finish" and only say "cancel" whilst the actual torrent is being created. Once the progress bar is complete and you've saved the .torrent file the process is complete. You just close the dialogue box using the cancel button. It stays open to allow you to create multiple torrents without having to open the torrent creator everytime.

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The "create and start sharing" button should probably be removed. It's a relic from versions long ago, in ages long past. Just use the "Create and Save" button. Once the progress bar is full and you've saved the file, the process is done. The dialog box stays open and "Cancel" is still there.. it should probably be renamed to "Close"

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oki i finally cracked this lol. seems that after u have created the torrent file, when u go to load up that file into the client, u dont use "add torrent" but instead use the option "add torrent (no default save)" in the file menu and then save the file in original location. now my file seeds without problem.

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