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Telia Adsl 8.0/ 0.8 settings


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I have a question about the speed with ADSL 8.0/ 0.8. I´m newbee when it comes to µTorrent because i´ve just left Azureus. Like so many other i´ve a problem with a slow connection and i wonder, as so many anothers, who to make the settings when i`ve swedish Telia 8.0?

When i check my speed with Tptest i recive the following:

TCP send: 763.06

TCP recive:6.99

UDP send: 872.63

UDP recive: 7.16

But when i try to get a connection with µTorrent i dont get over 150 in speed and im using the settings that follow the program. I´ve opend a port in F-secure so theres no problem with the firewall and im not behind a router. Can some of you please help me with the settings?



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