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Can't seed after reopening Utorrent


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Basically what happens is after i have downloaded the torrent every thing is fine i can seed no probs but after i close Utorrent down and reopen it later on all the torrents have a red x and the status says Error:Can't open .torrent file: The files are all still where they were originally downloaded too.

I use windows XP, i'm running the latest Norton firewall and anti virus and my modem is a NB6. I have recently upgraded Norton and the modem is new so i'd imagine the problem is with one of those but not sure where to start looking.

Cheers Dash

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That's not the same thing. Go to your preferences and check "Other" and see what your .torrent storage folder is set to.

Furthermore, read the full error message and manually type in the path that it's trying to look for the .torrent file.

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I've found the problem. I was deleteing the small file(not sure what it's called) you initially download to get the torrent which i'm sure i've done in the past with no i'll effects, but anyway thankyou for your time it's much appreciated.

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