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Speed goes up, speed goes down... rili now


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Well, as I was able to see I'm not the first one to report this kind of problem: my speed whooshes up and then goes down along with all other internet related things (browser goes down also). After about 10-20 secs it goes up again but only to fall after another 10-20 secs.

Checked with glasnost, no problems. I can get speeds up to ~200KB with BitComet... and they don't go up and down! Needed utorrent for a torrent => speeds of up to 210KB/s but they go up and down. It's really annoying! And I mean REALLY!!! I can't wait for it to go up and down all day long. I need it to use the speed accordingly!

Max half open is set to 8 by default. The only things I moddified were the connections/torrent = 120; global connections 240; i only use about 2 torrents at a time. Zone Alarm as firewall and Nod32 as AV. Port forwards properly.

Hope you can help with this really annoying problem.

P.S. Why don't you have a delete button? I wanted to move the topic myself but with no delete....

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Zone Alarm is known to cause problems...randomly, from minor to bluescreen crashing and even resetting computers running uTorrent.

NOD 32 AV has some issues too, though I think settings changes in it can avoid them. :(

High max connections probably just makes speed bursts worse. So too does really low connections...less than 10 low.

Have you limited your upload speed to no more than 80% your connection max?

And is uTorrent able to sustain the upload speed max you selected in uTorrent?

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