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Display missing pieces


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Firstly, thanks for a great client.

I wonder whether it is possibly to show the "sequence" of a missing piece in a torrent. The graphical bar shows the location of any missing pieces but I can't actually judge the actual location from the graphical bar. I am sure the information about the exact location of the missing pieces is already available and it is just a matter of displaying the information in some sort of a table format with actual numbers.

Reason for the request is because I have a torrent which is 99.5% complete and I have been waiting to complete for some time. Maybe the missing pieces are not important to the movie. If I know the exact location of the missing pieces, then I can use virtualdub to cut the bad frames out and maybe get quite a decent movie. Of course this would not work on a movie which has been rar'ed

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You can do it all in virtualdub! Just go to video->scan stream for errors, and when it eventually hits the missing piece it will repair that segment (glitching the video, but that's life with a bad chunk). There's absolutely no good reason for a torrent client to have in-depth knowledge of the avi file format, which is often rather broken or kludged together by tools anyway.

If you really need to know the byte position of a chunk, you can find out which is by digging into resume.dat and finding the missing chunk, then calculating the exact byte position in the file. You'd probably be a lot better off just scanning the file for a fat stretch of zeros in the rough vicinity of the missing chunk though.

Also check out the "99.9% problem" on the azureus wiki. (Unless the probably is just lack of seeders.)

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I did run it through virtualdub. It only picked up 2 of the 6 bits missing. I corrected those. Unfortunately when I converted the corrected file, there was audio synch problems.

And I am not suggesting that the bittorrent client would have knowledge about avi format. I I know the exact location of the missing pieces, I can calculate the approximate frame location and scan that visually with virtualdub, rather than having to scan the whole file. That was my intention

I had a look at the resume.dat file but could not interpret the information.

Thanks for the reply anyhow

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