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A question about unfinished files..


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If I were to start downloading a torrent with several files in it, then partway through the download.. decide I don't want some of them so mark them as skipped. Now.. some of those files are partially complete (partial blue). Those files are taking up space on my HD.

So my question is.. does it behoove me to remove them from the active torrent? or.. if my main concern is giving back and uploading to others.. even though I WON'T be downloading any more portions of them.. does µtorrent still make the "parts" available to those that make a call on them? In other words.. do they serve any purpose after the remainder of them has been skipped?

Which kind of leads me to one more question. I know that rt clicking on a torrent and choosing "bandwidth allocation" only applies to upload priority [ Yes.. I do read manuals and FAQs occasionally ;) ]; but what does the three priority modes when you rt click a file in the file view tab relate to? Is that giving higher/greater priority to ones snatching them.. or like in torrent box.. seeding them?

Thanks to all for your time & attention.

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If you delete the files you will need to recheck them. The default is to have sparse_files ON, which should not take up the full space on disk. As to whether you should delete them or not, it normally depends on what % of the file you'd no longer have without them... the more you have the more you can upload to interested parties.

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I'm assuming that refers to "pre-allocate all files" in v1.77. I have that not checked. Actually HD space is not an issue with me.. I could just leave them there.. at least until my portion of the torrent is finished, but if what you're saying is that those partials still could be of use to others.. I'll leave them there until I delete the entire torrent then.

If they are marked as "skipped" does that still make them available?

Thanks for all your help.

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Sorry, no pre allocate is separate from sparse files, and sparse files are under Advanced. To look forward to the new 1.8 version I checked out Ultima's updated user manual @ http://utorrent.com/download.php but the one for 1.7 would explain the existing options just as well.

When you set files to skip any information currently downloading in those files will still be downloading. Also data you've already downloaded in those files is still available, so the simple answer is "Yes".

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