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Port forwarded but still blocked?


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I have tried everything I know to try, and have followed the guides on portforward.com.

I am on a static IP address, I have forwarded the listening port on the routers setup page, and I have added the port to the exceptions list in windows firewall.

Despite this, the port still appears to be blocked and my download speeds are consistently ~13-18 kb/s (I have a 1mb/s connection). Additionally, 5/6 of my downloads have stopped completely and refuse to finish.

I am admittedly new to torrents and I don't really know what to do from here. My ISP is Bellsouth DSL and my router is a Linksys 300WRTn.

If I need to post any other information please let me know; any and all help or suggestions are appreciated.





Westell C90-610030-D6

I don't know what the Linksys DHCP range is. I followed the guide on portforward.com, it said to make the static IP slightly different from the router's IP. My router's IP address was so I made the static IP


The status is yellow. I'll look in the settings for the range.

Edit: DHCP range appears to be ~ 149

So I guess that means the IP is in range (but the router isn't, does that matter?).


I looked up your Westell, it looks like it might be a router. To confirm, find the Linksys status page, post the first half of your Internet/WAN IP address. Make note of your WAN/Internet gateway address, you'll need it to connect to the Westell to configure it if it is a router.

Router is fine, just pick a static IPa outside that range (and less then 255).


Your modem is a router. Use the default gateway your Linksys has to connect to it. Poke around the options. How many things do you need port forwarded? How is the Linksys being used? Does the Linksys have a setup page, with the current option set to DHCP, and changeable to bridge mode?

If you only need µTorrent forwarded, easiest would be to port forward in the Westell.


I am at the modem setup page. I don't really know what to look for; I don't see anywhere to forward the ports for uTorrent (that's all I want to do).

"How is the Linksys being used? Does the Linksys have a setup page, with the current option set to DHCP, and changeable to bridge mode?"

It's being used as a router (I don't know if that's what you are asking or not). It has a setup page, one thing is "Internet Connection Type" with a dropdown menu - selected is "Automatic Configuration DHCP" but there is no option for a bridge mode in that particular menu.

Again, not exactly sure what I am doing. Thanks alot for the help thus far.


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