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Cannot Port Forward


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Hi, Since I had to reformat today (and 2 x formats ago) I cannot open a Port


Window XP SP2

uTorrent 1.8 stable version.

Linksys BEFSR41:version 4 Router

CABLE: Optusnet 10024/256k (Australia)

I have tried many ports to NO avail. (at the moment I have port 57867) in utorrent and router config.

(Note: with NO router I get the GREEN TICK. With Roter I get YELLOW Exclamation)

I followed PORTWARD.COM Instructions to the letter also.

Any Idea's



My guess is you might be either forwarding to the wrong LAN ip address (not your computer's) OR the ip address you're trying to forward to is inside the router's DHCP (dynamic, random) LAN ip range.


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