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Malay Translation


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Malay translation for users from Malaysia/Brunei/Indonesia/Singapore and other user who prefers Malay language :)

Language File for µTorrent 1.3 (build 364) by koayty

Language File for µTorrent 1.4 (build 402) by koayty

Language File for µTorrent 1.4 (BETA build 403) by koayty

Language File for µTorrent 1.4.1 (BETA build 404) by koayty

Language File for µTorrent 1.4.1 (BETA build 405) by koayty

Language File for µTorrent 1.4.1 (BETA build 406) by koayty

If you notice any better word that I should use, please post here or look for me under µtorrent's irc channel, my nick on channel is yutyu.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From now on, I'll be having problem translating µTorrent as my college workload increases tremendously and i'm going to move to college dorm after a while and I will not be able to bring my desktop to the dorm, so i will not have the time to translate µTorrent for quite some time. If there's anyone that knows Malay and is willing to translate with me, please post here. I'll be willing to correct and check the language file you have translated. I'm subscribed to this topic and will reply as soon as possible after i notice a new post in this topic.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

No problem, I'm sure we can help you!

First of all you have to download last malaysian translation file (I think beta 406). This was made for utorrent beta build 406.

Actually there is beta build 462, exe file is on download page, called "utorrent-1.5.1-beta-build-462.exe".

Now you take the malaysian textfile from build 406 and copy it to the name "utorrent-1.5.1-beta-build-462.exe.lang.txt".

Put this textfile in the same directory as the exe file. Start the exefile, you will get a error message (look into the log-file). In this logfile you can see, which text build 462 expected, but didn't find in the textfile. Also you can see which text was in the textfile, but exe has no use for.

With editing and changing the textfile and restarting the exe, the logfile will get smaller, until no error comes (all text is there like expected in english/malaysian).

If everything is ok, you can test it, if all text is ok and fits into the fields which ludde has reserved for it (somethimes you must shorten some text)

This fully working textfile you can post here as translation file for build 462!

Also you can send a mail to MaV, that you want access to µTS, with your nick, your email and the language which you want to translate. He gives you access to it, and there you can upload your textfile. After this malaysian is part of the next languagepack of µtorrent!

PS: But starting with build 406 and going up to build 462 will be a hard way, a lot has changed between / has been added. But it will be easy to make a textfile from build 462 to the next beta (perhaps 463).

Hopes this helps, and you're always welcome to ask!

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  • 4 weeks later...

koayty: It would be better to keep some BT terms such as "peer".. using rakankongsi is just too hilarious.. and people wouldn't understand wtf rakankongsi is implicating at anyway.. bahasa rojak ftw ;)

Edit: Glancing through.. "Speed" could be better translated as "Kelajuan"; and it is better to leave "tracker" as it is, instead of translating it to "pengesan".. just some suggestions

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  • 2 years later...
If your language is not listed here or translated yet, feel free to email firon@utorrent.com with your email adress for registration to the µTS (µTorrent Translation System http://translate.utorrent.com/index.php ), your nickname in the forums and the language to translate.

From http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=190961#p190961

Malay is at 55.27% now, so we need a new translator :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


i have sent my username, and my indonesian language...

please accept..

and notify me if it accepted..

thx b4...


almost done..

©2008 BitTorrent, Inc.\r\nAll Rights Reserved.\r\n\r\nThanks for using this FREE program. We hope you like it. If you paid for it, get a refund!\r\n\r\nThanks to ludde, Serge Paquet, zygron, and Firon for all the help.
©2008 BitTorrent, Inc.\r\nHak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang.\r\n\r\nTerima Kasih telah menggunakan program GRATIS ini. Kami harap Anda menyukainya. Jika anda membayar untuk program ini, mintalah kembali uang anda!\r\n\r\nterima Kasih kepada ludde, Serge Paquet, zygron, dan Firon untuk bantuannya.

All files (*.*)||*.*||
Semua berkas (*.*)||*.*||

Invalid path specified. Please modify and try again.
Kesalahan pemilihan lokasi. Tolong benahi dan coba lagi.

&Lepas Pilihan

&Deselect All
&Lepas Semua Pilihan

(disk space: %#Z)
(kapasitas disk: %#Z)

(of %#Z)
(dari %#Z)

There is not enough free disk space to save the files in the folder you selected.\r\nDo you want to continue anyway?
Kapasitas disk pada folder tujuan yang anda pilih untuk menyimpan file tidak mencukupi.\r\nApa anda ingin mengabaikan hal ini dan melanjutkan?


&Select All
Pilih &Semua

One or more files exceed the filesystem size limit, these files can not be saved properly.\r\nDo you want to continue anyway?
Satu atau lebih file melewati batas sistem file, file ini tidak bisa disimpan dengan baik.\r\nApa anda tetap ingin melanjutkan?

Add RSS Feed
Tambah RSS Feed

Would you like to add "%s" to your search list?
Apakah anda ingin menambahkan "%s" ke daftar pencarian?

Always check for updates to this version
Selalu cek pembaruan untuk versi ini

Unable to find '%s'.
Tidak dapat menemukan '%s'.

Error '%s' while downloading URL.
Error '%s' pada saat mengunduh URL.

Unable to generate temp filename.
Tidak dapat menghasilkan nama berkas temp.

Can't open .torrent file: %s
Tidak dapat membuka berkas .torrent : %s

Failure: %s
Kegagalan: %s

Files missing from job. Please recheck.
File hilang dari pekerjaan. Silakan periksa kembali

Peers6 field is of invalid length
Panjang bagian Peers6 tidak sesuai

Peers field is of invalid length
Kesalahan ukuran panjang kolom field

Tracker sending invalid data: %.*S.
Pelacak mengirimkan data yang salah: %.*S.

Tracker reply in bad format
Kesalahan bentuk balasan pelacak

Tracker reply has no peers field
Balasan pelacak tidak memiliki kolom (field) peers

Executing: %s
Menjalankan: %s

sedang mengerjakan

Unknown torrent
Torrent tak dikenal

Warning: %s
Peringatan: %s

by *
oleh *

(auto detect)||32 kB||64 kB||128 kB||256 kB||512 kB||1024 kB||2048 kB||4096 kB||
(deteksi otomatis)||32 kB||64 kB||128 kB||256 kB||512 kB||1024 kB||2048 kB||4096 kB||


Unable to save to '%s'.
Tidak dapat menyimpan ke '%s'.


The size of the selected data is 0 bytes. Please specify another file or directory.
Ukuran dari data yg dipilih adalah 0 bytes. Harap pilih file atau direktori lain

The directory you have selected contains more than 1000 files. The resulting .torrent will get very large. A better idea is to put the files into a compressed file and then share that file.\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue anyway?
Direktori yang telah anda pilih mengandung lebih dari 1000 file. Hasilnya, torrent akan menjadi sangat besar. Akan lebih baik jika menjadikan file-file tersebut ke dalam sebuah file terkompresi dan kemudian men-share file tersebut.\r\n\r\nMasih ingin melanjutkan seperti itu?

Drag either a single file or a folder to the window.
Tarik berkas atau folder ke window.

Please enter the name of a file or directory.
Masukkan nama brkas atau direktori

Please enter a valid tracker URL. Do you want to continue without having any trackers?
Harap masukkan pelacak URL yang benar. Anda ingin melanjutkan tanpa pelacak?

There was an error computing the hash: %d
Ada kesalahan saat menghitung pecahan: %d

All files (*.*)||*.*||
Semua berkas (*.*)||*.*||

Torrent files||*.torrent||All files (*.*)||*.*||
Berkas Torrent||*.torrent||Semua berkas (*.*)||*.*||

You have selected to share your entire My Documents folder and all its files. It is not advisable to do so unless you are certain you want to share all the contents, including possibly private documents.\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
Anda telah memilih untuk berbagi Folder My Documents dan semua berkas di dalamnya. Hal ini tidak disarankan kecuali anda yakin dengan apa yang anda lakukan untuk berbagi semua isi folder, termasuk dokumen pribadi.\n\nApa anda ingin melanjutkan?

The file or directory '%s' cannot be found. Please enter a different filename. Note that you can't share the root of a drive.
Berkas atau direktori '%s' tidak dapat ditemukan. Masukkan nama berkas yang berbeda. Ingat, anda tidak dapat berbagi root dari sebuah drive.

Too many pieces in the torrent. Select a larger piece size.
Terlalu banyak bagian dalam torrent. Pilih ukuran bagian yang lebih besar.

&Penataan ulang

Select where to save the .torrent
Pilih lokasi penyimpanan .torrent

Select a file
Pilih berkas

Select a folder
Pilih folder

Always perform this check
Selalu lakukan hal ini


D: %z/s
D: %z/s

ETA: *
ETA: *

U: %z/s
U: %z/s

About µTorrent
Tentang µTorrent


Halaman Web

Add New Torrent
Tambah Torrent Baru

Save As *
Simpan sebagai *


S&kip hash check
Lewati pemeri&ksaan pecahan

&Start torrent
&Mulai torrent


Add to top of queue
Masukkan ke antrian paling atas

Torrent Contents *
Isi dari Torrent *





S&elect All
Pilih S&emua

Select &None
Tidak memilih apapu&n

Tingk&at Lanjut...




Feed URL:
Alamat pemberi (URL):

&Custom Alias:
&Sesuaikan Alias:


Do ¬ automatically download items
Ja&ngan otomatis unduh objek

&Automatically download items published in feed
Otom&atis unduh semua objet publik yang diberikan

Use &smart episode filter
Gunakan penyaring epi&sod pintar



Create New Torrent
Buat Torrent Baru

Select Source *
Pilih Sumber *

Add file
Tambah berkas

Add directory
Tambah direktori

Skip Files:
Lewati berkas:

Torrent Properties *
Data-data Torrent *


Web Seeds:
Penyedia jaringan:


Piece size:
Ukuran bagian:

Other *
Lainnya *

&Start seeding
&Mulai penyediaan

&Private torrent
Torrent &pribadi

Create and &save as...
Buat dan &simpan sebagai...



Read Statistics *
Statistik baca *


From Cache
Dari Cache

From File
Dari Berkas



Avg Size
Ukuran rata-rata


Write Statistics *
Statistik Tulis *



To Cache
Ke Cache


To File
Ke Berkas

Avg Size
Ukuran rata-rata



&Penataan ulang

µTorrent Setup
Pemasangan µTorrent

Destination Folder
Folder Tujuan


Setup will install µTorrent in the following folder. To install in a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.
Pemasangan akan menempatkan µTorrent di folder berikut. Untuk menempatkannya di tempat lain, pilih Telusuri dan pilih folder lain.

Create Start menu entry
Ciptakan menu di Start

Create Quick Launch icon
Ciptakan ikon di Quick Launch

Create Desktop icon
Ciptakan ikon di Desktop



Add Torrent from URL
Tambah Torrent dari URL



Please enter the location of the .torrent you want to open:
Masukkan lokasi .torrent yang ingin anda buka:



RSS Downloader
Pengunduh RSS






Filter Settings *
Atur penyaring *



Save in:
Simpan di:




&Episode Number: [ex. 1x12-14]
Nomor &episod: (mis. 1x12-14)

&Filter matches original name instead of decoded name
&Saring kecocokkan nama asli daripada nama sandi

Don't start downloads automatically
Jangan otomatis memulai pengunduhan

&Give download highest priority
&Berikan prioritas unduh tertinggi

Smart ep. filter
Penyaring ep. pintar

&Minimum interval:
Jarak &minimal:

&Penataan ulang

Label for new torrents:
Label untuk torrent baru






Language *
Bahasa *


&Lebih banyak...

Associate with .torrent files
Hubungkan dengan berkas .torrent

Associate with .btsearch files
Hubungkan dengan berkas .btsearch

Install IPv6/Teredo
Pasang IPv6/Teredo

C&heck association on startup
P&eriksa penghubung pada saat memulai

Sta&rt µTorrent on system startup
Jalankan µTo&rrent saat sistem dinyalakan


&Check for updates automatically
&Periksa pembaruan secara otomatis

Update to beta versions
Perbarui ke versi beta (ujicoba)

Send anonymous information when checking for updates
Kirim informasi tanpa nama saat mengecek pembaruan


&Clear Private Data
&Besihkan Data Pribadi

When Downloading *
Saat Mengunduh *

&Append .!ut to incomplete files
C&atatan .!ut ke berkas yang tak sempurna

P&re-allocate all files
P&ra-alokasikan semua berkas

Pr&event standby if there are active torrents
C&egah menu siaga jika ada torrent aktif

Windows Integration *
Integrasi Windows *

Associate with magnet URIs
Hubungkan dengan URI magnet

Display Options *
Pilihan tampilan *

C&onfirm when deleting torrents
K&onfirmasi saat menghapus torrent

Confirm when d&eleting trackers
Konfirmasi saat m&enghapus tracker

S&how confirmation dialog on exit
Tunjukkan teks k&onfirmasi saat keluar

A&lternate list background color
D&aftar lain warna latar belakang

Show current speed in the &title bar
Tampilkan kecepatan saat ini di &title bar

Sh&ow speed limits in the status bar
Ta&mpilkan batas kecepatan di status bar

System Tray *
Laci sistem *

C&lose to tray
Tutup ke &laci

&Minimize to tray
&Perkecil ke laci

&Always show tray icon
Sel&alu tampilkan ikon laci

&Single click on tray icon to open
Klik &sekali pada ikon laci untuk membuka

Show &balloon notifications in tray
Tampilkan &balon peringatan di laci

Al&ways activate when clicked
Se&lalu mengaktifkan ketika diklik

When Adding Torrents *
Ketika menambahkan Torrent *

&Don't start the download automatically
Jangan mulai mengun&duh secara otomatis

A&ctivate the program window
A&ktifkan jendela program

S&how a window that displays the files inside the torrent
Tampilkan jendela yang menunjukkan berkas didalam torrent

Actions for Double Click *
Tindakan untuk Dobel Klik *

For seeding torrents:
Untuk torrent penyedia:

For downloading torrents:
Untuk torrent pengunduh:

Location of Downloaded Files *
Lokasi dari Berkas Unduhan *

&Put new downloads in:
&Letakkan unduhan baru di:

Al&ways show dialog on manual add
Se&lalu tampilkan dialog pada penambahan manual


&Move completed downloads to:
&Pindahkan berkas unduhan ke:

&Append the torrent's label
C&atatan label torrent


&Only move from the default download directory
Hanya memindah dari derekt&ori unduhan baku

Location of .torrents *
Lokasi dari .torrent *

Store .torrents in:
Simpan .torrent di:


Move .torrents for finished jobs to:
Pindahkan .torrent untuk pekerjaan selesai ke:


&Automatically load .torrents from:
Mengisi .torrent sec&ara otomatis dari:

&Delete loaded .torrents
&Menghapus .torrent yang terisi


Listening Port *
Menunggu respon dari Port *

Port used for incoming connections:
Port digunakan untuk koneksi yang datang:

Random port
Port acak

&Randomize port each start
Mengacak po&rt setiap mulai

Enable &UPnP port mapping
Aktifkan pemetaan port &UPnP

Enable &NAT-PMP port mapping
Aktifkan pemetaan port &NAT-PMP

Proxy Server *
Server Proksi *





Nama pengguna:

Kata Sandi:

Resolve hostnames through proxy
Ketahui nama host melalui proxy

Use proxy server for peer-to-peer connections
Gunakan server proksi untuk sambungan P2P (langsung ke komputer)

Add Windows &Firewall exception
Tambahkan pengecualian Windows &Firewall

Global Upload Rate Limiting *
Pembatasan Peletakan Umum *

Maximum upload rate (kB/s): [0: unlimited]
Batas terbanyak peletakan (kB/s): [0: tak terbatas]


Alternate upload rate when not downloading (kB/s):
Batas peletakan lain saat tidak menunduh (kB/s):

Global Download Rate Limiting *
Pembatasan Pengunduhan Umum *

Maximum download rate (kB/s): [0: unlimited]
Batas terbanyak pengunduhan (kB/s): [0: tak terbatas]

Number of Connections
Jumlah Koneksi

Global maximum number of connections:
Jumlah koneksi umum terbanyak:

Maximum number of connected peers per torrent:
Jumlah terbanyak dari koneksi peer per torent:

Number of upload slots per torrent:
Jumlah slot peletakan per torrent:

Use additional upload slots if upload speed < 90%
Gunakan tambahan slot peletakan jika kecepatannya < 90%

Basic BitTorrent Features *
Fitur Dasar BitTorrent *

&Enable DHT Network
P&erbolehkan Jaringan DHT

&Ask tracker for scrape information
Tanya pelacak untuk info gesekan

&Enable DHT for new torrents
P&erbolehkan DHT untuk torrent baru

Enable &Peer Exchange
&Perbolehkan Pertukaran Peer

Enable &Local Peer Discovery
Perbolehkan Penemuan Peer &Lokal

&Limit local peer bandwidth
Batas peer bandwidth lokal

IP/Hostname to report to tracker:
IP/Nama host untuk dilaporkan ke pelacak:

Protocol Encryption *
Enkripsi Protokol *


Allow incoming legacy connections
Ijinkan datangnya koneksi wasiat

Queue Settings *
Atur Antrian *

Maximum number of active torrents (upload or download):
Jumlah torrent aktif terbanyak (peletakan atau unduh):

Maximum number of active downloads:
Jumlah pengunduhan aktif terbanyak:

Seed While [Default values] *
Penyedia Sementara [Nilai baku] *

Ratio is: <= *
Perbandingan ialah: <= *

% or seeding time is: <= (min)
% atau waktu penyediaan adalah: <= (mnt)

&Seeding tasks have higher priority than downloading tasks
&Penyediaan lebih utama daripada pengunduhan

When µTorrent Reaches the Seeding Goal *
Saat µTorrent mencapai Puncak Penyediaan *

Limit the upload rate to (kB/s): [0: stop]
Batas Peletakan (kB/s): [0: Berhenti]

&Enable Scheduler
P&erbolehkan Jadwal

Scheduler Table *
Tabel Jadwal *

Scheduler Settings *
Atur Jadwal

Limited upload rate (kB/s):
Pembatasan peletakan (kB/s):

Limited download rate (kB/s):
Pembatasan pengunduhan (kB/s):

&Disable DHT when turning off
Lumpuhkan &DHT saat dimatikan

Enable &Web UI
Perbolehkan &WEB UI

Authentication *
Pengesahan *

Nama Pengg&una:

&Kata Sandi:

Enable &Guest account with username:
Perbolehkan akun Tamu dengan nama pengguna:

Connectivity *
Penghubungan *

Alternative &listening port (default is the connection port):
A&lternatif menunggu respon port (port koneksi awal ialah baku):

&Restrict access to the following IPs (separate multiple entries with a comma):
Batasi akses untuk IP be&rikut (pisahkan beberapa masukan dengan koma):

Advanced Options [WARNING: Do not modify!] *
Pengaturan Tingkat Lanjut [/!\PERINGATAN: Jangan dirubah!] *





&Penataan ulang

Speed Popup List [Separate multiple values with a comma]
Daftar kecepatan Popup [pisahkan beberapa nilai dengan koma]

&Override automatic speed popup list
Daftar kecepatan p&opup otomatis diatasi

Upload speed list:
Daftar kecepatan peletakan:

Download speed list:
Daftar kecepatan pengunduhan:

Persistent Labels [Separate multiple labels with a | character]
Label Tetap [pisahkan beberapa label menggunakan lambang "|"]

Search Engines [Format: name|URL] *
Mesin Pencari [Formasi: nama|URL] *

Basic Cache Settings *
Atur Cache Dasar *

The disk cache is used to keep frequently accessed data in memory to reduce the number of reads and writes to the hard drive. µTorrent normally manages the cache automatically, but you may change its behavior by modifying these settings.
Persediaan disk digunakan mempertahankan kerutinan akses data di ingatan untuk mengurangi jumlah membaca dan menulis di pemutar data. Persediaan biasanya diatur otomatis oleh µTorrent, tetapi anda bisa merubahnya dengan memodifikasi pengaturan ini.

&Override automatic cache size and specify the size manually (MB):
Pembatasan ukuran persediaan &otomatis dan menetapkan ukuran secara manual (MB):

&Reduce memory usage when the cache is not needed
Mengu&rangi pemakaian ingatan saat persediaan tidak diperlukan

Advanced Cache Settings *
Atur Penyediaan Tingkat Lanjut *

Enable caching of disk &writes
Perbolehkan penyedia disk untuk me&nulis

Wr&ite out untouched blocks every 2 minutes
Tul&is bagian polos setiap 2 menit

Wri&te out finished pieces immediately
&Tulis bagian yang selesai segera

Enable caching of disk &reads
Perbolehkan penyedia disk untuk mem&baca

Turn off read caching if the upload speed is slow
Matikan pembacaan penyedia jika peletakan lambat

Remove old blocks from the cache
Singkirkan blok lama dari penyedia

Increase automatic cache size when cache thrashing
Ukuran pennyedia di tingkatkan otomatis saat penyedia menggasak

Disable Win&dows caching of disk writes
Lumpuhkan jen&dela penyedia disk untuk menulis

Disable Wind&ows caching of disk reads
Lumpuhkan jend&ela penyedia disk untuk membaca

µTorrent Automatic Shutdown
Matikan Otomatis µTorrent


Speed Guide
Pemandu Keecepatan

&Run speed test at: www.dslreports.com
&Jalankan tes kecepatan di: www.dslreports.com

Connection Type:
Jenis Sambungan:

Affected Settings *
Pengaturan yang Terimbas *

Upload Limit:
Batas Penempatan:

Upload Slots:
Slot Penempatan:

Connections (per-torrent):
Sambungan (per-torrent):

Connections (global):
Sambungan (umum):

Max active torrents:
Maksimum torrent aktif:

Max active downloads:
Download aktif maksimum:

Current Port: [0: auto]
Port yang dipakai: [0: otomatis]

&Test if port is forwarded properly
Uji jika port &terkirim secara benar


&Use Selected Settings
Pakai At%uran yang dipilih

Torrent Properties
Penjelasan Torrent



Trackers (separate tiers with an empty line) *
Pelacak (pisahkan deretan dengan baris kosong)

Bandwidth Settings *
Atur Bandwidth *

Maximum upload rate (kB/s): [0: default]
Batas Peletakan Terbanyak (kB/s): [0: baku]

Maximum download rate (kB/s): [0: default]
Matas Pengunduhan Terbanyak (kB/s): [0: baku]

Number of upload slots: [0: default]
Jumlah slot peletakan: [0: baku]

Seed While
Penyedia Sementara

&Override default settings
&Abaikan aturan baku

Ratio is: <= *
Perbandingan: <= *

% or seeding time is: <= (min)
% atau waktu pemyediaan adalah: <= (menit)

Other Settings *
Aturan Lainnya *

&Initial Seeding
Penyed&iaan Awal

&Enable DHT
P&erbolehkan DHT

&Peer Exchange
&Pergantian Peer

&Local Peer Discovery
Penemuan Peer &Lokal

Web Seeds
Penyedia Jaringan

Run Program *
Jalankan Program *

Run this program when the download finishes:
Jalankan program ini jika selesai mengunduh:


You can use these commands:\r\n%F - Name of downloaded file (for single file torrents)\r\n%D - Directory where files are saved\r\n%N - Title of torrent
Anda dapat menggunakan perintah:\r\n%F - Nama berkas unduhan (untuk satu berkas torrent)\r\n%D - Berkas disimpan di direktori ini\r\n%N - Judul torrent

µTorrent Visualization
Tampilan µTorrent


Edit RSS Feed
Ubah Pemberi RSS

&Clear Feed History
&Bersihkan Sejarah Pemberi

&Delete Feed
&Hapus Pemberi

Dis&able Feed
Lumpuhk&an Pemberi

&Edit Feed...
Ubah Pemb&eri...

En&able Feed
Perbolehk&an Pemberi

&Update Feed
Perbar&u Pemberi



First Piece
Bagian Awal



# Pieces
# Bagian












Opening unknown files from strangers can be dangerous. The file can contain viruses and other things that can harm your computer.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to continue?
Berbahaya jika membuka berkas sembarangan dari orang asing. Berkas itu bisa tercemar virus atau sesuatu yang dapat merusak komputer anda.\r\n\r\nAnda ingin melanjutkan?

Opening unknown files from strangers can be dangerous. The file can contain viruses and other things that can harm your computer.\r\n\r\nDo you really want to open %s?
Berbahaya jika membuka berkas sembarangan dari orang asing. Berkas itu bisa tercemar virus atau sesuatu yang dapat merusak komputer anda.\r\n\r\nAnda ingin membuka %s?

There was an error opening one or more of the files you tried to open. Maybe the file hasn't been fully downloaded yet?
Kesalahan saat membuka berkas yang anda coba buka. Mungkin berkasnya belum selesai diunduh?

There was an error opening %s.\r\n\r\nMaybe the file hasn't been fully downloaded yet?
Kesalahan saat membuka %s.\r\n\r\nMungkin berkasnya belum selesai diunduh?

There was an error opening %s.\r\n\r\nThis file may not be streamable.
Kesalahan saat membuka %s.\r\n\r\nBerkas ini tidak dapat dialirkan.

Could not find application to open %s.
Tidak menemukan aplikasi untuk dibuka %s.






tidak aktif

not allowed
tidak diizinkan

waiting for announce...
menunggu pengumuman...





%z/s (avg. %Z/s)
%z/s (avg. %Z/s)



%#Z (%d hashfails)
%#Z (%d gagal motong)

[Local Peer Discovery]
[Penemuan Peer Local]


tidak aktif

not allowed
tak diijinkan



[Peer Exchange]
[Pertukaran Peer]


tidak aktif

not allowed
tak diijinkan


%d x %#z (have %u)
%d x %#z (punya %u)

scrape not supported
tidak mendukung gesekan

scrape ok
gesekan ok


%#Z (%#Z done) (%#Z total)
%#Z (%#Z selesai) (%#Z total)

%#Z (%#Z done)
%#Z (%#Z selesai)

Time Elapsed:
Sisa Waktu:





Download Speed:
Kecepatan Unduh:

Upload Speed:
Kecepatan Meletakkan:


Share Ratio:
Perbandingan berbagi:

Down Limit:
Batas Turun:

Up Limit:
Batas Naik:


Save As:
Simpan Sebagai:



Total Size:
Ukuran Total:


Created On:
Dibuat Pada:





%z/s (avg. %Z/s)
%z/s (rata. %Z/s)


%d of %d connected (%d in swarm)
%d of %d tersambung (%d pemanasan)

Bytes Read - Time
Bytes Terbaca - Waktu

Bytes Written - Time
Bytes Tertulis - Waktu

Number of Reads - Time
Jumlah Membaca - Waktu

Number of Writes - Time
Jumlah Menuulis - Waktu

%#z of %#z
%#z of %#z

Upload & Download||Download||Upload||Disk Statistics||
Peletakan & Unduh||Unduh||Peletakan||Statistik Disk||

Grid: 10 seconds
Skala: 10 detik

Grid: 1 minute
Skala: 1 menit

Grid: 5 minutes
Skala: 5 menit

Grid: 1 hour
Skala: 1 jam

Time (%s step)
Waktu (%s langkah)

1 second
1 detik

5 seconds
5 detik

30 seconds
30 detik

5 minutes
5 menit


Could not download help file. Error: %s
Tak bisa Mengunduh berkas bantuan. Kesalahan: %s

Help file not found in settings directory, attempting to download
Berkas bantuan tak ada di pengaturan direktori, mencoba mengunduh

Cannot launch help file, as it is still downloading
Tidak dapat menjalankan berkas bantuan, karena masih mengunduh

Bad proxy reply
Balasan dari proksi buruk

Bad proxy reply 2
Balasan 2 dari proksi buruk

Invalid redirect (%S)
Pengalihan salah (%S)

invalid http reply
balasan http salah

invalid transfer encoding
sandi pendiriman salah

invalid URL
URL salah

can't open file
tidak dapat membuka berkas

can't unzip
tidak dapat meng-unzip

unable to write to file
berkas tidak bisa ditulis

unable to write to file
berkas tidak bisa ditulis

HTTP Error %d
Kegagalan HTTP %d

HTTP Error %d
Kegagalan HTTP %d

HTTP Error 404
Kegagalan HTTP 404

Proxy connect error %d
Gagal menyambungkan proksi %d

Too many redirects (%S)
Terlalu banyak pengalihan (%S)

Choose Install Location
Pilih Tempat Pemasangan

Choose a directory to put the application file in:
Pilih direktori untuk meletakkan berkas kegiatan:

Invalid folder specified. Please choose another folder.
Folder tersebut salah. Silakan pilih folder lain.

Loaded ipfilter.dat (%d entries)
ipfilter.dat termuat (%d masukan)

There were errors loading the language file. Please see the file uTorrent.exe.log in the application directory.
Kesalahan saat memuat berkas bahasa. Silakan lihat berkas uTorrent.exe.log pada direktori aplikasi.

&Add Tracker...
T&ambah Pelacak...

Clear &all logging flags
Bersihkan semua tanda catatan

Enter logfile
Masukkan logfile

Enter the name of the file to log to:
Masukkan nama berkas yang akan dicatat:

Log aggregated messages
Catatan dari kumpulan pesan

Log blocked connections
Catatan dari koneksi yang terhalang

Clear &Log
Bersihkan &Catatan


Dump DHT &Buckets
&Penampung DHT Buruk

Dump DHT &Tracked
Pelacak DH&T Buruk

Log disconnects
Catatan pemutusan

&Error Logging
M&encatat kerusakan

Log bad cancels
Catatan buruk digagalkan

Log bad haves
Catatan buruk dimiliki

Log bad piece requests
Catat permintaan bagian yang buruk

Log bad rejections
Catatan buruk penolakan

Log incoming have messages
Catat pesan masuk yang ada

Log incoming connections
Catat pemasukan koneksi

&Dump Memory Info
Info Ingatan Dump

Log finished metadata
Catat selesainya penjelasanan data

Log misc errors
Catat kerusakan lain

Log NATPMP messages
Catat pesan NATPMP

Log NATPMP errors
Catat kerusakan NATPMP

Log outgoing connections
Catat koneksi keluar

&Peer Traffic Logging
Mencatat Laju &Peer

Log RSS messages
Catat pesan RSS

Log RSS errors
Catat kesalahan RSS

Log outgoing have messages
Catat pesan keluar

Log to &file...
Mencatat ke &berkas...

Log UPnP messages
Pesan catatan UPnP

Log UPnP errors
Catatan kerusakan UPnP

&Verbose Logging
Catatan &Seluruhnya

Log WebUI requests
Catat permintaan WebUI

&Remove Tracker
Singki&rkan Pelacak

&Update Tracker
Perbar&u pelacak

Use &DHT
Pakai &DHT

Use &Local Peer Discovery
Pakai Direktori Peer &Lokal

Use &Peer Exchange
Pakai &Pertukaran Peer

It seems like µTorrent is already running, but not responding.\r\n\r\nPlease close all µTorrent processes and try again.
Sepertinya µTorrent telah berjalan, namun tidak merespon.\r\n\r\nMohon tutup seluruh proses µTorrent processes dan silahkan mencoba lagi.

Unable to contact µTorrent update server.
Tidak dapat menghubungi server pembaruan.

There was a problem downloading the language file for µTorrent. Please try later.
Masalah ketika mengunduh berkas bahasa untuk µTorrent. Silakan coba lagi nanti.

There was a problem downloading the update for µTorrent. Please try later or visit http://www.utorrent.com. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Masalah saat mengunduh pembaruan µTorrent. Silahkan coba beberapa saat lagi atau kunjungi http://www.utorrent.com. Mohon maaf atas ketidak nyamanan ini.

There was a problem installing the language file for µTorrent.
Masalah saat melakukan pemasangan berkas bahasa µTorrent.

Unable to load "%s": %s!
Tak bisa memuat "%s": %s!

Unable to load "%s": %s!
Tak bisa memuat "%s": %s!

Unable to save the resume file. Some data may be lost.\r\nAnother program might have the file open, or the disk is full. Please correct this and click Retry. If you press Cancel, the resume file will not be saved.
Tak bisa menyimpan berkas lanjutan. Beberapa data bisa saja hilang.\r\nProgram lain mungkin sedang membuka berkas, atau kapasitas disk penuh. Silakan periksa dan klik Coba lagi. Jika kamu tekan Gagal, berkas tidak akan disimpan.

Unable to save the resume file. Another program might have the file open, or the disk is full.
Tidak dapat menyimpan berkas lanjutan. Berkas mungkin sedang dibuka oleh program yang lain, atau disk dalam kondisi penuh

Unable to save .torrent to '%s'.
Tidak dapat menyimpan .torrent ke '%s'.

Unable to copy .torrent from '%s' to '%s': (%d) %s
Tidak dapat menyalin .torrent dari '%s' ke '%s': (%d) %s

Unable to start updater process! Please download the newest version manually on http://www.utorrent.com.
Tidak dapat memulai pembaruan! Silahkan unduh versi terbaru secara manual di http://www.utorrent.com.

Unable to verify the integrity of µTorrent's update server.
Tak bisa memeriksa kepatenan pembaru server µTorrent

Unable to rename/delete '%s'.
Tidak dapat merubah nama/menghapus '%s'.

The selected location is not valid. Please try again.
Lokasi yang dipilih tidak sah. Silahkan coba lagi.

Choose where to download '%s' to:
Letakkan unduhan '%s' di:

Choose where to save %s
Pilih tempat penyimpanan %s

DHT: Disabled
DHT: Dilumpuhkan


DHT: %d nodes%s
DHT: %d nodes%s


DHT: Waiting to log in
DHT: Menunggu log in

Torrents (*.torrent)||*.torrent||All files (*.*)||*.*||
Torrents (*.torrent)||*.torrent||semua berkas (*.*)||*.*||

%s-files:*.%s:All files (*.*):*.*:
%s-berkas:*.%s:Semua berkas (*.*):*.*:

All files||*.*||
Semua berkas||*.*||

It looks like the file you are about to download already exists in the folder for completed downloads.\r\nDo you want to use the data in that directory instead?
Sepertinya berkas yang hendak diunduh sudah ada difolder tempat unduhanyang lengkap.\r\nApa anda mau menggunakan data didalam direktori?

Abort - Don't load this torrent; just skip it.
Batal - Jangan muat torrent ini; lewati saja.

No - Download the torrent from scratch.
Tidak - Unduh torrent dari goresan.

Yes - Use the data in the complete folder.
Ya - Gunakan data di folder yang lengkap.

µTorrent detected '%S' (%S) appears to be installed on your computer. That is known malware, and might cause µTorrent to crash or behave strangely, including but not limited to using up all your RAM and freezing. Please run a virus/malware checker.
µTorrent mendeteksi '%S' (%S) terpasang di komputermu. Terdeteksi sebagai malware, dan bisa menyebabkan rusaknya µTorrent atau berprilaku aneh, sudah termasuk tapi terbatas untuk menggunakan semua RAM dan membeku. Siakan jalankan pemeriksa virus/malware.

Would you like to make µTorrent the default torrent application?
Apa anda ingin membuat µTorrent menjadi aplikasi torrent utama ?

Do you really want to exit µTorrent?
Yakin ingin keluar dari µTorrent?

Resume file successfully saved.
Berkas lanjutan berhasil disimpan.

D: %s%z/s L: %z/s T: %Z
D: %s%z/s L: %z/s T: %Z

D: %s%z/s T: %Z
D: %s%z/s T: %Z

U: %s%z/s L: %z/s T: %Z
U: %s%z/s L: %z/s T: %Z

U: %s%z/s T: %Z
U: %s%z/s T: %Z

Select a .torrent to open
Pilih .torrent untuk dibuka

Total Uploaded: %#Z\r\nTotal Downloaded: %#Z\r\nTotal Ratio: %:.3d\r\nTotal Running Time: %d:%.2d:%.2d\r\nNumber of torrents added: %d\r\nProgram launched: %d times\r\n\r\nLast launched: %s\r\n# incoming conns since start: %d\r\n# outgoing conns since start: %d\r\n# handshake: %d\r\n# connections: %d\r\n# half-open: %d (%d connecting)\r\n
Semua Peletakan: %#Z\r\nSemua Unduhan: %#Z\r\nPerbandingan semua: %:.3d\r\nSemua waktu yang sudah berjalan: %d:%.2d:%.2d\r\nJumlah torrent yang di tambah: %d\r\nProgram dijalankan: %d kali\r\n\r\nTerakhir menjalankan: %s\r\n# koneksi datang sejak awal: %d\r\n# koneksi keluar sejak awal: %d\r\n# Jabat tangan: %d\r\n# koneksi: %d\r\n# hampir terbuka: %d (%d menyambung)\r\n

Allocating files
Mengalokasikan berkas

Disk overloaded %d %%
Muatan lebih disk %d %%


Listen error\r\nYou should change the listen port.
Perespon rusak\r\nAnda harus mengganti port perespon.

Network OK\r\nYour network connection is working like it should.
Jaringan OK\r\nKoneksimu bekerja dengan sempurna.

Not connectable\r\nA firewall/router is limiting your network traffic. You need to open up a port so others can connect to you.
Tak tersambungkan\r\nFirewall/router membatasi laju jaringanmu. Kamu perlu membuka port baru supaya yang lain bisa menghubungimu.

No incoming connections\r\nUnless the icon turns green, it could indicate a problem with your network configuration.
Tak ada Koneksi\r\nSelama ikon tidak berubah jadi hijau, ini menandakan masalah dengan pengaturan jaringanmu.

Limited by scheduler
Dibatasi oleh jadwal

Seeding only
Hanya menyediakan

Stopped by scheduler
Dihentikan oleh jadwal

%s\r\n%d(%d) downloading, %d(%d) seeding\r\n%z/s down, %z/s up
%s\r\n%d(%d) mengunduh, %d(%d) menyediakan\r\n%z/s turun, %z/s naik

D:%s U:%s - %s
D:%s U:%s - %s

The torrent you are trying to add is already in the list of torrents. Do you want to load the trackers from it?
Torrent yang hendak anda tambahkan sudah ada di daftar torrent. Mau memuat pelacak darinya?

The torrent you are trying to add matches a torrent currently being deleted. Please wait to add it again.
Torrent yang hendak anda tambahkan sama dengan torrent yang baru dihapus. Silakan tunggu dan tambah lagi.

Tanpa Batas

&About µTorrent
Tent∠ µTorrent

Add RSS Feed...
Tambahkan Pemberi RSS...

&Add Torrent...
T&ambah Torrent...

A&dd Torrent (no default save)...
Ta&mbah Torrent (bukan penyimpan baku)...

Add Torrent from &URL...
Tambah Torrent dari &URL...

&Create New Torrent...
&Buat Torrent baru...



µTorrent &Forums
&Forum µTorrent


µTorrent FA&Q
&Tanya jawab µTorrent

µTorrent &Help
&Bantuan µTorrent



&RSS Downloader
Pengunduh &RSS

Show &Category List
Tampilkan Daftar &Kategori

Show &Detailed Info
Tampilkan Info Selengkapnya

&Download Bar
&Download Bar

Show &Status Bar
Tampilkan &Status Bar

&Icons on Tabs
&Ikon di Tabulasi

Show &Toolbar
Tampilkan &Toolbar

&Auto Shutdown
&Otomatis Matikan


Quit when Downloads Complete
Keluar saat Selesai Mengunduh

Shutdown when Everything Completes
Shutdown saat Semuanya Selesai

Quit when Everything Completes
Keluar saat Semuanya Selesai

Hibernate when Downloads Complete
Hibernasi saat Selesai Mengunduh

Hibernate when Everything Completes
Hibernasi saat Semua Selesai

Standby when Downloads Complete
Siaga saat Selesai Mengunduh

Standby when Everything Completes
Siaga saat Semua Selesai

Reboot when Downloads Complete
Reboot saat Selesai Mengunduh

Reboot when Everything Completes
Reboot saat Selesai Semuanya

Shutdown when Downloads Complete
Shutdown saat Selesai mengunduh

Speed &Guide
&Pemandu Kecepatan

&Show Statistics
Tampilkan &Statistik

&Download Translation
Un&duh Penerjemah

&Check for Updates
&Periksa pembaruan

µTorrent &Webpage
Halawan Web µTorrent

&Don't Download
Jangan diun&duh

&High Priority
Prioritas &Utama

&Low Priority
Prioritas &Rendah

&Normal Priority
Prioritas &Sedang


Open &Containing Folder
Buka Folder yang &Memuatnya


A&dd RSS Feed...
Ta&mbahkan Pemberi RSS...

&Add Torrent...
T&ambahkan Torrent...

Lebih L&anjut

&Bandwidth Allocation
Alokasi &Bandwidth

&Clear Peer List
&Bersihkan data Peer

Copy &Magnet URI
Salin &Magnet URI

De&lete Data
Ha&pus Data

&Delete .torrent
&Hapus .torrent

D&elete .torrent + Data
H&apus .torrent + Data

&Show Download Bar
&Tampilkan Download Bar

Force Re-C&heck
Paksa &Cek Ulang

&Force Start
Mulai &Paksa




Move &Down Queue
&Turunkan Antrian

Move &Up Queue
&Naikkan Antrian



Open &Containing Folder
Buka Folder yang &Memuatnya

&RSS Downloader
Pengunduh &RSS





Remove and delete .&torrent
Singkirkan dan hapus .&torrent

Remove and delete &Data
Singkirkan dan hapus &Data

Remove and d&elete .torrent + Data
Singkirkan dan hapus .torr&ent + Data

Move to &trash if possible
Kalau bisa buang di &tong sampah

Remove A&nd
Singkirkan D&an

&Reset Bans
Set Ulang La&rangan

&RSS Options
Pengaturan &RSS

Set &Download Limit
Atur Batas Un&duhan

S&et Download Location...
A&tur Lokasi Unduhan...

Set &Upload Limit
Atur Batas Pe&letakan



&Torrent Options
Pengaturan &Torrent

Update Trac&ker
Perbaru Pelaca&k




&Add Peer...
T&ambah Peer...

C&opy Selected Hosts
Salin h&ost yang dipilih

&Copy Peer List
&Salin daftar peer

&Log piece info...
&Catatan info bagian...

Reload &IPFilter
Muat ulang &IPFilter

&Resolve IPs
Pe&rbaiki IP

&Log Traffic to Logger Tab
Catat a&lur Papan Pencatat

Access violation
Pembatasan Akses

&Log Traffic to Logger Tab

Access violation

Array bounds exceeded


connection closed by peer

Datatype misalignment

File exceeds filesystem size limit

Float denormal operand

Float divide by zero

Float inexact result

Float invalid operation

Float overflow

Float stack check

Float underflow

Guard page

hostname not found

Illegal instruction

Integer divide by zero

Integer overflow

Invalid disposition

Invalid handle

In page error

Noncontinuable exception

offline (timed out)

Integer private instruction

Single step

Stack overflow






All Feeds




No Label

Added On


||Bw.Alloc||Bandwidth Allocation



Completed On




Down Limit

Down Speed






Last Active







Selected Size



Source URL



Tracker Status


Up Limit

Up Speed

Are you sure you want to remove the %d selected torrents and all associated data?

Are you sure you want to remove the selected torrent and all associated data?

Are you sure you want to remove the %d selected torrents?

Are you sure you want to remove the selected torrent?

Checked %:.1d%%


Error: %s


[F] Downloading

[F] Seeding

[F] Initial-Seeding



Queued Seed


Previously Downloaded




Enter label

Enter the new label for the selected torrents:

New Label...

Remove Label

<Search Here>


Add Torrent

Add Torrent from URL

Create New Torrent

Move Down Queue

Move Up Queue




Add RSS Feed





||Peer dl.||Peer Download Rate


Down Speed













Up Speed






# of Blocks








RSS: Feed already exists "%s"

Download Date


Full Name

Really delete RSS Feed "%s"?


(match always)||(match only once)||12 hours||1 day||2 days||3 days||4 days||1 week||2 weeks||3 weeks||1 month||

Date of last match: %s\r\nLast episodes matched: %s\r\n\r\nMatching releases:\r\n%s


New Filter



&Add to Favorites

Open URL in &Browser


Really delete RSS Filter "%s"?

Really delete %d history entries?

RSS: Smart filter has rejected "%S"


Too many

RSS: Unable to load "%S": %s

Unable to load "%S": %s

RSS: Unable to download "%s": %s









The file '%s' is in use by another process and can't be opened.

The file '%s' was damaged/missing. It has been recovered.

You have to restart µTorrent for the changes to take effect.

Full speed

Full speed -\nUses normal global\nbandwidth limits


Limited -\nUses scheduler-specified\nbandwidth limits

Seeding only

Seeding only -\nOnly uploads data\n(including incomplete)

Turn off

Turn off -\nStops all torrents\nthat are not forced

Automatic Shutdown will initiate in %d seconds.\r\nPress Cancel to abort.


Hibernating computer... %s


Quitting program

Restarting computer... %s

Shutting down computer... %s

Stand-by computer... %s





Cannot load skin file: "%s" incorrect number of images, %u instead of %u (or %u)
Tidak bisa memuat berkas tampilan: "&s" jumlah gambar tak tepat, %u dari %u (atau %u)


UI Extras



Disk Cache



UI Settings




Web UI

Show Properties||Start/Stop||Open Folder||Show Download Bar||






Please enter a valid IP on the form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Specify an empty string to use the default IP.

Please enter a valid port number from 0-65535.

The specified number is not a valid integer. Please enter a valid integer.

Select a folder

Select a folder where you want to store the active downloads:

Welcome to the µTorrent Speed Guide.\r\n\r\nThis guide will help you setup your network settings for the most optimal speed.

(Current Settings)

Choose the upload speed appropriate for your connection from the list below. If you do not know it, click the button to run a speed test to find out, and choose the one nearest to your actual upload speed.

A port must be forwarded from your router to µTorrent to get good speeds. This port is used to let other peers connect to you.

%dd %dh

%dh %dm

%dm %ds


%dw %dd

%dy %dw

&Enable DHT

&Enable Scheduler

&Download Limit


&Hide/Show µTorrent

&Pause all torrents

&Resume all torrents

&Enable Scheduler

&Upload Limit


Add Peer

Enter the IP:port / [IPv6]:port of the peer to add:

Executable files (*.exe)||*.exe||All files (*.*)||*.*||

Select a file

Download Complete|%s has finished downloading.

New Download from RSS|%s has started downloading.

New version|A new version of µTorrent is now available!

!Error|There is not enough disk space to move %s to its final location

!Torrent Error|File: %s\n%s


Telah di unduh


Min Interval






Update In

Are you sure you want to remove the %d selected trackers?

Are you sure you want to remove the selected tracker?

Are you sure you want to uninstall µTorrent?

Uninstallation failed.

Unable to terminate currently running copies of the application.\r\nTerminating the uninstallation procedure.

Remove settings directory


The µTorrent updater failed. The error is: %s

µTorrent update failed. Unable to start the new process.

The µTorrent updater is trying to install the update, but the µTorrent process is still running (It's probably trying to connect to the tracker). Please kill it and click Retry to try again.

Could not download WebUI file. Error: %s

Could not download WebUI information. Error: %s

WebUI file not found in settings directory, attempting to download

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  • 9 months later...

anyone even remotely interested in a translation atm?

the existing translation has enough to build on such that i don't have to make up a lot of new words myself :P

though i'll probably still have to fudge some stuff a bit

ade yg berminat dgn terjemahan ni x?

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  • 1 year later...


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