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Anyway of getting rid from.....


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Ok, I have power outage problem so when power goes out and comes back, my PC automatically restarts and along with it starts µtorrent.... but some times µtorrent gives some kind of confirmation message " Your save file was damaged but it was recoverd" or something like that and i have to click ok to continue. and µtorrent starts running.

Now the thing is that clicking to continue requires a "human presence".... and i can't be at my PC all the time. SO i was thinking of getting rid this message so that when power comes, µtorrent recover it self from whatever its recovering from and start dlaoding.... I don't have to be there in order to click Ok.

Any help regarding this would be great and will save me hours of time getting waste despite of having everything.

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:/ Unfortunately you have a 2% chance on any given moment that either your main or backup resume.dat can be corrupted by unforseen power loss.

To try to mitigate this, you should get into a regimen of either not starting uTorrent immediately... or verifying the resume.dat with http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=31306 that is if you can't get a UPS to allow you to shut down uTorrent then the computer safely.

The fact you get the "corrupted savefile" message means you likely wouldn't lose any data, but only verify the integrity. You will still need to do some rechecking each startup if uTorrent doesn't close completely before the shutdown however.

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No I am ok with data verification... and most of the time µtorrent performs this task perfectly... the problem is the error msg which some time happens to occur before the auto-start of µtorrent which dosen't let the prgram auto verify the data and continue on its own unless I am there to click OK the error msg and than µtorrent can verify data and continue.... In other words if i don't click OK, µtorrent gets in kinda pause/halt mode and won't continue the data verification.

I just want to get rid of this error msg which only tells me that your corrupted save file was recovered.

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