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Singnet (Singapore) speed problems


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I'm currently using Singnet Unlimited Broadband 8Mbps Plan (Singapore).

Installed uTorrent 1.8, Win XP Home SP3, COMODO Firewall Pro and Avira AntiVir Premium and 2WIRE 2700HG-D Gateway.

Portforwarded the modem correctly (green tick), open firewall exceptions (for TCP/UDP, IP - IN/OUT)

Curr max concurr half-open connectns: 100 (EvID4226Patch223d-en)

Global Max connections: 200

Max nos of connected peers per torr: 100

net.max_halfopen: 50

However, my torrent speed is at 20-30kbps, even with 30+ seeds.

Surprising thing is that speedtest.net reported speeds lik 52194kbps.

Can somebody help me to solve this? Thanks =D

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I am also on Singnet's Broadband plan. Been using utorrent for a year plus, been getting great speeds after port forwarding and adjusting all necessary settings.

Then recently, none of the torrents are downloading due to an inability to connect to peers.

Even the healthiest test torrents, which I used to gauge whether there was a problem, cannot be connected to.

The problem started recently after upgrading to the latest version of utorrent.

Perhaps this is related to your problem as well?

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