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University Network, No ports open, not able to forward ports


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Hi guys, let me just say I've been using torrents for a while now with utorrent and it's awesome. Recently though, I started going to a university in San Antonio, Texas and now I can't download torrents very quickly at all!

My problem lies in the fact that as it appears, none of my ports are open. I'm using the campus network (your only option for internet) and my downloads are very slow, never getting above 20kb/s for any torrent. I'm not getting that green light, it is usually yellow at first, then turns red after a while. It is not a firewall on my laptop. The only firewall I have is the Windows firewall and I have uTorrent as an exception. In addition I even have a port added as an exception (56333) and it is still not working. I believe it must be some sort of firewall on the network but how can I forward/open a port on this network when I have no idea what router they are using, not to mention I don't have admin privileges.

This sucks so much, please help me :(

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If you don't have control over the router, you won't have control over the port forwarding. Indeed, university network routers/firewalls generally don't allow port forwarding, and chances are, unless you can get on the network administrators' very good side, you won't be getting an opened port either.

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