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Keyboard Shortcuts?


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Through my search of the forum, I have found that utorrent has shortcuts, but I can't find a list of what they are. Due to disabilities I REALLY need a way to control this program without a mouse, specifically a way to start/stop torrents with a button press. All I could figure out was that enter opened a folder (nice!), the function keys open/closed panels, and any of the keyboard letters seem to move to the top of the torrent list (not sure what's the point of this).


ps. For future versions having the space-bar start/stop would be nice. That seems to be a default in many programs. Sorry if this belongs in feature requests.....

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Context key, between right Ctrl and Alt, do the same job as mouse right-click.

Tab/Shift-Tab can switch between torrent list/search/tabber in detail view/detail view. and Cursor keys to switch tabber. Enter to open files in Files tab.

i'm fine with keyboard in µTorrent, except status bar context menu and preferences.

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