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RSS Feeder Possessed


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Help... I'm a new user to UT so bare with me... I am currently using the RSS downloader to auto mate torrent downloading. The problem that I have encountered, is that when I create a new RSS feed, UT not only downloads the torrents from the newly created RSS feed, it refreshes other RSS feeds, which is fine, but it re-queues all the torrents within each feed for downloading??

When creating the RSS Feed within UT, I have selected "Automatically download torrents in feeds" and ticked the "Smart filter" box. I have also created RSS feeds by just selecting the "Do not automatically download items" box but, that has not made a difference.. Have I missed something??

The RSS feature has worked fine in the past but, I have not been able to sort this problem out. Any help would be appreciated, as this is becoming very frustrating.

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