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Upload Speed


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Hi All

I'm using uTorrent 1.8.1. While my downloads are working fine, my uploads are shot. Regardless of the torrent & download speed, I am usually only able to upload at a speed of 1 - 10kB/s, if anything at all. This stays the same even when the download has finished and I am seeding. As you may imagine, it is impractical to maintain a Seed/Leech ratio of at least 1:1 like this. Personally, I think that my filthy, adulterous ISP is throttling the upload.

Here are the details on my connection:

ISP : Rogers [Toronto] (I hate them :S)

Connection : 7Mb/s download, 512K upload

Router : D-Link WBR-1310 (Port check in the uTorrent speedguide comes back fine)

OS : Windows XP Pro 64-bit

I have the upload speed limited to 40kB/s in uTorrent to leave some overhead for downloads.

I have also tried Forcing encryption in uTorrent. It has had no effect on my uploads.

Any suggestion would be appreciated, thanks :)

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  • 3 months later...

Your ISP (Rogers Cable ISP in Canada) is among the MOST HOSTILE anti-BitTorrent ISPs on the planet.

Try 'extreme' hiding tricks to get better speeds:


(Note: My post immediately following that one explains what settings in uTorrent are similar to the Azureus ones.)

Disabling Resolve IPs probably won't hurt either...

You may want to go to a low-end ADSL line with no such limits...just make sure not to use Bell Canada ISP -- they're as bad or worse than Rogers!

Do some research on who's good and bad...ask locally, such as at computer stores.

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