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Port Fowarding


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Ok, so now our ISP has fixed the issues with our router, and I can port foward from their IP instead of the router's site. I have another question though, since I myself have more than one computer, and my parents have their own, do I have to make a static IP, etc for each one, or will it only affect my chosen computer? I didnt think about this until now. .. :/ Thanks for your time,


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static ip means that your computer will always have the same ip...

If the PC has DHCP, since the router will have this option on too, it will give a random ip adress from the values it was setted.

So in order to forward a port you bind it in one ip.. But with DCHP the first pc that opens will get the first available ip.

Now if you want to forward some ports on all pc's then yes you need to do it..

Otherwise if you want only one computer with forwarding ports (using utorrent, etc...) then give a static ip only to that one and make sure it is outside of DCHP range

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Do note you're choosing your computer's static LAN ip only. The router should still be getting a dynamic internet (WAN) ip. The other computer on the router can have a dynamic LAN ip, but the DHCP ip range on the router must not overlap with the static LAN ip you choose for your computer.

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