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I need help, badly


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I am torrenting at home, using uTorrent and I am getting the Yellow Warning box. I feel this is hampering the speed that I could possibly be going at so I looked into Port Forwarding.

I have no clue which computer to do it all on. I have PFconfig, but can someone help me step by step.. into getting a static Ip and which computer to do it on? The main internet is running off the computer in the living room.. from a modem and I am getting my wireless off a Belkin Wireless G Router model F5D7230-4. When I do all of this port forwarding stuff... do I do it on my laptop or on the computer in the living room? I tried it on both and it just confuses me... I think I set up my static IP correctly, but at first it went RED and now it's back to yellow.

Usually I am good with this stuff but I think I need major help here. It should be noted I am using PORT 16881 as requested by someone.

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You need to setup a forwarding rule FOR EACH IP ON A SEPARATE PORT in the belkin configuration. You need to 1) know the port you use, which you can see in Ctrl-G or Preferences AND 2) know the IP of the computer , usually from start > run > cmd /k ipconfig

Your IP should be static outside the DHCP range (any # 150-250 is usually OK) and PORT can be any number ... but numbers 50000-65000 may not be automatically shaped/throttled

You should see several entries for the router @ http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm (use Find in-browser and stick in your model number f5d... it should jump to it

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