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seeding help ?


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Hey guys, i'm a little lost with utorrent seeding knowing that i'm fairly new to it, just wanted to know some general details about seeding, is it nessery to seed? , is it required? will it wreck any files,? what does seeding do.? umm i heard its good for the community?

sorry just that i'm new to utorrent and trying to learn about it best i can just try and tell me what it does and if its a "must" to seed. i also heard that its a good idea to seed to a certain ratio? 1.00 if im not correct.

please help :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I'm a newbie so sorry in advance if this is a dumb question.

In Preferences > bit torrent I have enabled all the features in the window except "limit local peer bandwidth"

but what do put in the "IP/Hostname to report to tracker" box.

Thanks in advance for any help given.

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  • 1 month later...

This may be in the written documents, but if so, I have not been able to find it. I have two questions about seeding:

#1 - I appreciate the Torrent Community and the wealth of information available. I make it a point to go for the 1:1.2 ratio on all downloads, but there are times when no one is downloading what I am seeding. If there is no activity, what is the acceptable/recommended time to keep the seed open?

#2 - Recommendation is not to have more than 2-3 torrents going at a time. When I am seeding, does the seeding count against this number? I do not mind allowing the seeding to go beyond the 1:1 or 1:1.2 ratio, but if this counts against what I can download, then it reduces what I can seed.

If these answers are in the literature, please point me to the information and there is no need to type a long answer here.

Thanking you in advance.

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1. It's fine to stop it if no one is downloading, but I suppose you might want to keep the torrent around in your list in case someone else happens to stumble on that torrent and keeps it around in hopes that someone (like you) might reseed if they saw a new peer in the swarm.

2. Any started torrent is considered to be a part of the queue unless it's force-started. As such, it will count toward the max simultaneously active torrent limit.

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You can also reduce a seeding torrent's demand on your upload speed while still giving a semi-useful rate of speed to the torrent swarm by:

1.Individually setting that torrent's upload slots to only 1 or 2.

2.Setting priority to LOW...and everything else to Normal or HIGH

3.Setting the upload speed for that torrent to 2-4 KB/sec.

4.If seeds are few but demand is sufficient that there's usually 3 or more peers, you can also turn on initial seeding for that torrent.

The goal is not to seed a torrent fast to everyone, but to give individual peers complete pieces so they can share to everyone else.

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