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Rarest Automatic Seed Handler

JAB Creations

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I usually only torrent a few things and I manually control *everything*...however I know a lot of people don't. I know some people including my friends will just leave all the torrents running with minimal or no control except what the program does on it's own.

So I'd like to suggest the idea of µTorrent adding a feature that allows X number of the least seeded torrents to receive the highest priority of which torrents are seeded.

An evolution of such a feature would be to have µTorrent automatically switch between modestly seeded torrents that have Y number of torrents...with Y being possibly subjective to what a modest number of seeders may be considered. I've seen some torrents with hundreds of seeders, some with only a few, and a handful where there was 100% health however only between myself and a handful of other people.

I think this would ultimately aid greatly in resource management and keep more data overall available to more people.


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