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Creating torrent with multiple files but without parent folder...


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I'm using utorrent with some nsis script tha put torrent content in a scripted specific folder.

But when I try to create a torrent , I have only the choixe to select a single file or a folder.

In the second case , the path is preserverd in the torrent, and so I cannot use the script to chose the destination !!!


you have :



If I create a torrent with Add directory and choose 'game_name_1' and 'torrent it' to another computer on C:\game_name_2

I'll have the following structure.

c:\game_name_2\game_name_1 \file1.file


But I want



But it's not what I want cause I cannot code the parent destination folder in my script

2 years ago I used utorrent for that and I choosed to add multiple files whent creating torrent and then , solved the problem.

Thanks in advance

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