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Low upload speed - Yellow light :\


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Hello everyone,

I dont know why but i have done all correct ( at least i think )...

I have fowarded the port correctly, i only have windows firewall and Kaspersky Antivirus instaled, Utorrent is working the download speed is nice, but im with a realy low upload speed.

I have set te upload speed to unlimited, but it didnt change anything.

The main problem is that when i try to check the port with Utorrent it says that the port is still blocked.

I dont know what to do but i hope that you guys can give me some kind of help.

Edit: The port is now correctly open, the light turned to green, but the upload speed still realy low.

Thanks in advance.


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Kaspersky Antivirus may have a firewall in it that's interfering.

Another post that seems to have unrelated problems that may be caused by Kaspersky:


For many of uTorrent's settings, my Speed Guide (2nd link in my signature) will suffice. Do note it's based on your UPLOAD speed max.

It would be good to know what ISP and region/country you're in, as *MANY* ISPs have started disrupting/throttling/screwing-with BitTorrent traffic just in the last year or 2.

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