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blank .utorrent icons / crash


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I use mac os x 10.5.6

I installed the latest update but I had no speed, the ports didnt work (the usual stuff we're discussing these days) so I went back to the older version and everything worked great with 1mb/s for a while, then all of the sudden utorrent freezed so I forced it to quit --> all the torrents lost the utorrent icon, blank icons everywhere. If I click twice to open them the finder window closes itself (same with firefox), utorrent is nota ssociated to them anymore

I can add torrents to utorrent ONLY right clicking them->open with....

the function "always open with" doesnt work either

Even if I uninstall everything (also with appcleaner to erase ALL the preference files of utorrent) the icons stay blank and dont open directly. The disk utility to repair authorizations doesnt solve the problem either.

what's going on?

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I'm on 0.9.0 because with 0.9.1 (as we all know) there's a big speed ans port bug

with 0.9.0 I got 900k-1MB download speed!!! ...with the latest: 25kB/s

the thing I dont get is that when I check for updates utorrent says:

"You're up to date!

uTorrent 0.9.0 is currently the newest version available."

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