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Satellite internet = screwed?


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From everything I've been able to find out here and elsewhere, the answer is yes. No port forwarding, no dodging the NAT error messages. I'm just curious as to whether anyone can give me a definate "Yes, you're screwed" or not. And if there are any new ideas not posted to KingArthur about this subject and fixing it, let me know.

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There is no way with Satellite connections to get from under "NAT error" -- you can't port-forward a satellite "router". :P

Having said that, BearShare and Limewire on the Gnutella network have something called UDP hole-punching that will allow a nat-firewalled (your condition) connection download directly from another nat-firewalled connection. That might work even on a satellite connection -- but you'll need special settings to prevent timeouts due to very high pingtimes.

BitComet supposedly has something similar to that, but it only works with the most recent BitComets (though these are very common).

µTorrent and Azureus needs to add UDP hole-punching for just your such conditions...which are VERY common. But they'd have to impliment a different version than BitComet, due to BitComet being closed source.

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