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Slow Download Speeds - Tried Everything!


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I have had uTorrent for a few months now and I'm continuously experiencing download speeds of about 30Kb/s during the day and less than 10Kb/s in the evening. I have only ever had download speeds above 100Kb/s twice. My friend who downloads some of the same files as me tells me his download speed hardly ever drops below 500Kb/s! I'm usually connected to about 20-30% of available seeds, and 10-20% of peers.

I have read the FAQ and Troubleshooting guide and tried everything to solve the issue. I've looked for similar problems in the Forums, but nothing has helped.

- There is a green circle at the bottom of the uTorrent window.

- Port check is OK.

- Speed Test gives me an average of 1Mb/s download and 200Kb/s upload

- net.max_halfopen is set to 8 automatically.

- Windows XP operating system.

- Windows Firewall and AVG security active.

- BT Broadband cable.

- Homehub V2.0 Type A (Software version 8.1.F.4 (Type A) on bthomehub.home).

I can deal with the speed at the moment, but it can be quite annoying, as I can't leave the computer on overnight or while I'm out. I'm not that good when it comes to advanced computer speak aswell, just in case.

Any help would be apreciated!

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I've been having the exact same problem as you, except i used to be the guy who downloaded at 500kb/s as well. My brother is on wireless 2 floors up and he can at least download at 50kb so i dont know whats going on with my computer. Can some software possibly be doing this?

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"BT Broadband cable"

Last I looked, BT Broadband was an ADSL 2+ service in the UK...that heavily throttles BitTorrent during peak evening hours. And they've enlarged their throttling hours recently too.

Some other ISPs in the UK aren't that bad...but many are, so do some research if you want to know more.

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Is there anything I can do to improve or fix this?

I am downloading at 350Kb/s at 11:00 GMT, so I'm taking advantage of that, but I expect that it will just go down again.

Oh and the friend that is downloading much much faster than me most of the time has BT Broadband wireless, with an older homehub.

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This is for everyone that has looked in these forums, like myself. That for some reason that their down speeds seem to cap at around 30Kb. I tried everything these forums suggested with no results. But i found that my only problem was that i didn't seeded enough. My total ratio was about .300 and now it is only .600 but i have gotten my speeds back 300 - 600 Kb/s!!

To check ratio click Help > Show Statistics > 3rd one in the list

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Shed, i got the same problem too..

- to all the masters in p2p sharing, can u help me increase the download speed.

- i'm from malaysia & my isp is tmnet streamyx broadband (1mbps)..

- my average d/l speed - 30kB/s

- my average u/l speed - 17.0 kB/s

- using port 45682

- using modem RIGER DB102..

- didn't modify the "advanced option"..

Can u guys provide me with the best settings for my uTorrent???

All helps appreciated.. ; )


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