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Abnormally slow seeding of my uploads on a particular private tracker


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I've searched around the internet already to view threads by users complaining of very slow upload speeds, but I couldn't see anything that quite applies to me.

I've been monitoring my upload speeds on one particular private tracker and it's irritating that my uploaded torrents never get seeded past 10kbps. What could be the cause?

I've recently verified that my ISP uses a proxy server. Could be a major contribution to slow upload speeds?

I believe I'm not being throttled and I couldn't see any other reason for the slow speeds.

On public trackers, I get up speeds over 50kbps, so it's not a general problem.

Clueless here. Help please.

I've also applied most of the more common uTorrent tweaks and I'm using a Scientific Atlanta DPC2100R2 cable modem. I understand it is not a router so port forwarding is not necessary... right?

Clueless here. Help please.

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Same problem here. I've been using uTorrent for some time now with no problems the woke up one morning and couldn't upload to any peers in of my private tracker. I tried a couple torrents from another private tracker and had the same problem. Public trackers are fine...I can still get the upload speeds that I'm use to seeing. I'm a little confused because I didn't mess with any of the settings, uTorrent just stopped uploading on private trackers. I've since verified that my ISP is not speed throttling and have read through any threads I can find on this issue and tweaked uTorrent as recommended but with no success.

Please help.

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What kind of proxy?

1-way? 2-way? requires special software?

Does the proxy only route certain kinds of traffic?

Ask around about your ISP -- such as at computer/electronics stores, searches online.

Using uTorrent through a 1-way proxy will make uTorrent firewalled.

Private trackers are often very hard to seed on if you're firewalled...lots of seeds on those torrents makes it worse rather than better! (Especially so if they're firewalled too!)

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