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Help, Port Forwarding...


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Ok... I'm still having problems with port forwarding... I followed the guides at http://portforward.com for my Westell modem and Belkin router... Made 45682-3 my global port range selected TCP and base host as 45682. Enabled it and selected it as Host which is 192.168.x.xxx. Then went into my router to Virtual Servers menu and put in the port number and private ip address. Next, I did the uTorrent port test and.... -bing- nada, nothing, a No-Go... Right now I'm like very frustrated with this thing (suck at Port Forwarding). So, if you guys here could please tell me what to do to fix this... monsterous frustrating thing, I would be much ablighed for your help. ~Thanks


Hi well the Westell more than likelyy is a Combo unit and configured as a Router so that leaves you with the Dreaded 2 Router syndrome.. But there is hope just set the Modem into Bridge mode and then you will forward your ports only in the ?router ;)


Alright, thanks I'll try that. i'll post back if it doesn't work.

Edit: Oh...... kay... Nevermind. I don't know how to do that =/

Edit:Edit: Uh.. Well I found VC Configuration which... says stuff about "Bridging"... but I guess I'll just give up and be happy with the speeds I'm getting as of right now which vary from 55kb to 9kb.


Belkin routers in the past were notorious for VERY poor BitTorrent handling due to their low ram and very long storage of disconnected ip information.

Try disabling Resolve IPs (right-click in peers window of a torrent), UPnP, NAT-PMP, DHT (both kinds), and Local Peer Discovery.

Also reduce max connections both global and per torrent to well under 100.

Lastly, reduce bt.connect_speed to only 1-4. (This is outgoing new connection attempts to make per second, and doesn't count incoming connections or existing connections.)

Using my Speed Guide (2nd link in my signature) will also help reduce other uTorrent settings to match the limits of your connection's upload speed.


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