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Automatic queueing mechanism to use idle bandwidth


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I had this idea because of this:

For example:

1. My connection speed is 1000

2. uTorrent queue setting active download is 10.

3. Each torrent speed is 100

So in this case: utorrent can use full bandwidth.

In case:

1. My connection speed is 1000

2. uTorrent queue setting active download is 10.

3. Each torrent speed is 10

In this case, speed is 10x10 = 100 (10% of bandwidth). Then uTorrent can increase number of active queue setting into 100....

if there are many torrents with various number of seeds, UTorrent can automatically set for using full bandwidth when the computer is idle.


The problem with implementing such a feature, AFAIK is that torrent flow can be kind of unpredictable. All of a sudden, megapeer might become available which changes your speed from 10-500. If you have 100 torrents going you will be crimped.

However, you can KIND of get some of this effect by carefully selecting the number of items queued and then changing the queue.slow thresholds in Advanced Settings. In your case, you might decide to queue ... oh, 20 at once. Set the queue.slow to say 50. Now, if any of the 10 does not make at least 50 after awhile, it doesn't count and uTorrent will activate additional torrents. Personally, I set Download for <20KB/s and Upload for <6KB/s. It seems to work well.


Every active torrent should also be uploading at a reasonable rate. "Reasonable" is 3 KB/sec or more per upload slot. So if you have 10 torrents and 4 upload slots each, then you'll need 10 x 4 x 3 KB/sec = 120 KB/sec minimum upload speed to maintain 10 semi-busy torrents at once.


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